Vacation pics Florida Panhandle

Danvers, MA

We're back from our Florida vacation were we saw tons of birds that are new to us (which isn't tough since we just started watching this fall)

Most were taken at Wakulla Springs State Park, which has a lodge to stay in, and an hour long boat tour of the springs. I highly recommend this place! Loved it, wish we were still there!

I initially had 36 pictures that I was going to post but I pared down and broke them up into this thread and an upcoming ID me thread. I hope you enjoy them. Please feel free to correct any of my mistakes. (grammar and spelling excluded:)

Here is a Royal Tern (new), taken at Fort Walton Beach.

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 7:33 PM

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Here he is again

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

A Double Crested Cormorant swimming underwater.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

A Pie-billed Grebe (new)

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

This little Eastern Towhee (new) was scratching around under a palm tree. Couldn't get a good shot of him.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Bald Eagle at St. Marks Island

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Red-Breasted Merganser (New) These guys are very busy! Unfortunately I coudn't time him being up with the Dolphin that swam by.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Pileated Woodpeckers (New!)

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA


Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Female Hooded Merganser (new)

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 8:05 PM

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Male Hooded Merganser (new)

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 8:05 PM

Thumbnail by Shan71
Marlton, NJ

Wow looks like you had a great time Shan!

Very nice pics!

Danvers, MA

A shy Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Thumbnail by Shan71
Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

How wonderful! The pic of the cormorant was awsome. How /where did you take it.

Danvers, MA

American Coots

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Thanks Pelle & Nan. We had a great time!

The Cormorant pic was taken standing on the Diving Platform at the Springs with BF's good camera.

Not a bird, but a cool close up of a Manatee from the tour boat

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

A Great Blue Heron and an Anhinga

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Three other Birds that are new to us that I didn't get a picture of:

American Bittern
Belted Kingfisher
We heard a Barred Owl (Who cooks for you...)
I think I saw a few Kinglets but not sure...

It was a great Vacation but the weather was overcast an chilly. Not good photo weather.
Wakulla Springs is so peaceful (of course, we went in January) I wish you could all go there and see for yourselves. here's the link


Now I'm of to post the ID me's...

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