Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Burn,

We're at a start of a snow storm right now, lots of bird activities

You've got at least one Arctic Redpoll in there, the one on the left side showing its pure white under-tail coverts; Common Redpoll always has at least one obvious dark streak there, never white like that. The one top left with the white rump might also be Arctic, but not 100% definite.

While male Arctics are usually obvious, females and immatures can be very hard to pick out (e.g. they can have a slim dark streak on the undertail); it's generally reckoned that a lot get missed - to pick them out, you need to look at a suite of several characteristics, and it's never easy trying to see both the top side and underside of a single bird in a constantly active flock. A year like this one with a redpoll invasion is a good opportunity to do a study!


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I feel sorry for the poor cold birds, good job they are getting fed by all you bird fans.

Not so bad here but cold and windy today, 3C (38F) with wind factor of of -2C (28F).

This is a well-marked Chaffinch from 2 days ago on an Oak.

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Hi Resin; I thought so too, about the one with the white undertail, that flashes him bum at us.. I know there were at least 3 in that grouping, while they were feeding, there were 2 more in the tree. and on the ground, I seen 1 big one, underneath that feeder, but didn't see under for positive ID. And like you said, their moving around make it's hard to say if I was seeing the same one or a different one.
How do they go about, to do a study. Any special contact for that?

Marlton, NJ

Very nice pic wallaby!

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

This is another one, I thought, would be an Hoary (Arctic) Redpoll.

This message was edited Feb 3, 2008 12:40 AM

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep, that's a definite, too!

For a study, try contacting the NB bird recorder, he/she might have some ideas for local groups working on them. One obvious option is ringing (banding) with colour rings so individuals can be recognised more easily; another is video footage which can be slowed down to follow individuals as they move about to pick up various plumage details.


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Adel. - those Quail are so cute - funny lookin' - but very cute!
Tiger - that wet Chickadee shot is so sharp. Well done!
Nany - I smiled at your H. Finches fussin'.
Bev - I don't think I've ever seen more than two male Cardinals together. 3-in-a-row - cool!
Burn - Holy moly!! I guess that's what snow does. I've never seen that many birds on one of my feeders. Wow!
Wallaby - that is a nifty oak tree, too.

Dark when I got home.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

I have had five pair at my feeders at once but can't catch all 10. BEV

Thumbnail by dragonfly62
Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Two or three at a time yes!!

Thumbnail by dragonfly62
Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Trying to get a good closeup of a mama

Thumbnail by dragonfly62
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics guys!

A little later:

***adelbert will be starting the next Daily Pics thread***


Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is a shot of a (not male, the other half of a pair) cardinal sitting on a mock orange bush in the freezing rain! It poured freezing rain here all day today. I felt so sorry for the poor birds.


Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Klamath River, CA

http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/809448/ new thread Daily Pics Vol. 60

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