Bauhinia kockiana

Penang, Malaysia

Hi all, I am looking for information on the propagation of the Bauhinia kockiana, a tropical trailing vine. I want to add this info into my website, If you have the information, please share with me. Thank you.

Thumbnail by timothytye
Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

You can prop from seed, also can layer. It is often difficult to get to set seed.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Selamat pagi Timothy dan Esther!
Beautiful photos on your website! In your travels, do you ever come across a "kapok tree"?
Anyway, best of luck to your search.

mulege, Mexico

I checked JLHudson as they often have Bauhinia seeds but they don't have any right now. You might keep checking them.

I've seen kapok trees in Los Angeles. Lots of them around the Commerce Casino.

I got a pod off a tree that I thought might be kapok but I can't find a good picture of the kapok pod to check.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Can't believe they're growing in LA! They're native to the rainforests.

mulege, Mexico

I didn't know what they were. There were a lot of them and those pointy things on the trunk are unique, I think, I was lost so I don't know if I could even find them again but they were there.


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