Care questions

South, TX

I have what I only know as a "Desert Rose" that I bought at my Botanical Garden. I didn't even know the correct name. I was looking and found that it looks like these plants. I guess I need to learn what they need for care. I grow many plants and I want this one to bloom more and be healthy. Thanks.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

You have a beautiful adenium there! Desert Rose is another name for them. I'm just now learning about them myself but I am hooked. I couldn't really tell you anything you won't see in the posts in this forum because reading here is where I've gotten all of my information so far. Good luck!

I think the main thing is not to leave it out if it's going to get cooler than even 50F and don't overwater it. Someone made a post on how to do semi-hydroponics with them and I'm going to give that a try.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

That is one fine looking Adenium! Mine is smaller but does bloom with such beautiful flowers. I have 2 small ones that aren't ready to do much of anything but continue to grow. This afternoon, I wiped off some scale I saw on the leaves of the big one. Whenever people see this plant, they always remark about how unusual it is. There is an on-line retailer who has great information and sells some fantastic-looking specimens. When the weather warms here in NYS, I think I may order some. Naturally, I can't plant them outdoors but they seem to do wonderfully as pot plants. I'm now ready to try some other varieties of caudiciforms! If I can grow them in NY, those of you with warmer climate should have GREAT success!

Townsville, Australia

Hi Sally, to keep it growing well use a fertilizer with a high phosphrous level. (The P in N.P.K) This produces more flowers and a larger caudex. We are lucky in that regard because the one element does both things. keep away from fert with high nitrogen levels as this gives fast soft growth. In autumn reduce water until the leaves drop and do NOT water again until it has leaves again in spring. More plants are killed with kindness than neglect. You will read here about others having trouble with rotting in spring, this is due to overwatering. Adanium are very tolerant of water in summer if the temp is high, but if you let it dry between waterings so much the better. When in flower, the flowers will start to droop and this is a sign to water again. It is very tempting to water, but they will live for a couple of years without any, but die with too much. ,,, Bob.

South, TX

Thanks, it is growing so well. I appreciate the advice!

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