Welcomegranny_goody to the Mi. garden forum. Luther, Mi

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello and welcome Granny_goody. Nice to have you join DG...Please tell us about you. Where is Luther...must be up north..zone 4...Come and check in with us..here..Any questions..just ask away..All of us will be glad to help you find your way. This is a big place..heheh and even I get lost sometimes....Again...Welcome..


Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome Grannygoody. Nice to have you here. Tell us about your garden.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Welcome to the site please join us here in the Michigan forum!!!
its a great place

welcome again

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

welcome to the garden its lovely here and by the way where is Luther?????????

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

welcome to the forum granny_goody. you will like it hear lots od wonderful helpers. Ronna

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Welcome!!!! Have fun here at Dave's.


Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello Granny, i just gotta shorten that up!! i am not too good a t the key board!!
Welcome from Fenton!!

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