More help with ID please, seeds from Tobago

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Got seeds from Tobago today too, grows in Pigeon point. Help with ID would be appreciate.
Very pretty flower
~Sylvia in Sweden

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren

Sylvia that looks like some kind of Cassia

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Sylvia from Sweden,

A great site for identifying anything tropical is In the top middle you will find a search box. Just type in "Yellow" and you'll get a long list plus pictures of a great lot of yellow tropical plants. All you have to do is find your's.....

Good luck!

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Thanks Dutchlady, I can think too. I will search for Cassia then or yellow on toptropicals, thanksTuin for the link but freeweb I cannot see I´m not a member there.

Dutchlady waves at Tuinkabouter!! Goeiemiddag.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

You can also watch my haves-list. It's almost ready now!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Goedemiddag Dutchlady!

Are you Dutch and living in Naples, FL? Nice to meet you!

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

No it is not any Cassia, the flower look not like Cassia is mor like Lathyrus

Dutchlady Godmiddag to you to

Yes, I am Dutch, living in Naples FL (better weather!). Nice to meet you too.

Sylvia, while I can understand 'Godmiddag' my knowledge of Swedish is very limited.
I have been to Tobago, it's very pretty.

I don't think the flower is a lathyrus, it looks like it is a 'hanging' type of bloom.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Sylvia,
In fact it looks like a species of Laburnum..... Try googling by image!

Dat heb je goed bekeken! Hier is het weer pet.....

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Yes Tuin it look a little bit like Laburnum but that is a three, this flower are more pealike.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Is this a vine, do you know? Looks a lot like Vigna Marina, but mine never had the dark backs.
Here are a picture of the seeds.

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
Red Oak, TX

It could be a Crotalaria retusa (rattleweed)

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