snow hummers

Eugene, OR

Living in Eugene, Oregon, we don't get very much snow, but these annas managed to tough out both high teens and 20 degree weather[which caused several early morning feeder thawing on my part],followed by 5 or so inches of snow. The one pictured is the present "keeper" of the feeders, although this "duty" seems to rotate between 2 or 3 others. normally they hang out in a large ruugosa rose, but during adverse weather prefer under the eaves in a clematis.

Thumbnail by rockyplants
Marlton, NJ

Hi Rocky, Nice pic!

It seems odd to us in the east to see you guys having hummers but I know those Anna's are much togher than the RT's we have.

Thanks for posting!

Pelle :-)

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, that would be sooo nice! Thanks for posting!

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

How cool is that?!? Like Pelle, it just looks odd to see a poor hummer sitting on a vine while it's snowing.
I did keep my feeders up all winter, just in case, but I didn't have any takers. Maybe next year.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, isn't that the cutest! I hope she has a toasty warm place to roost at night!

Thanks for posting the pic! Please give us some progress reports and let us know how she does through the winter!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

rockyplants, looks like my Sparrows and Juncos. They're used to it though!

Thumbnail by gardener105
Melbourne, FL

Amazing they can survive the cold. Did you string the lights to help keep them warm?

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

No, but I get cold just looking at that pic. I feed them so much they probably have more fat on them than I do! LOL! You can't see it very well but there's a suet feeder with 4 suet cakes in it hanging in the tree. You can just barely see the basket, and I have a feeder that's hanging about 10 feet from that that holds about 2 1/2 coffee cans of seed.

This message was edited Feb 6, 2008 12:19 PM

Thumbnail by gardener105

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