January Thaw,Peek at Spring,but snow returns

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Temperatures will reach close 70* today,and then snow the next day and only in the mid 30's!!!!
Kansas weather can turn on a dime!
Meanwhile Indian January in the sunroom,thinks it's spring already!!!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Today it hit high 50s and tomorrow at 4pm it will be in the 20s. Talk about a big turnaround in temps! Plus a chance for snow.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I hate the winter we are having here in Texas and it doesn't compare to yours.
The worst summer and the worst winter I ever had was in Wichita, KA. DH was a road salesman and I went with him often after the kids were grown. Didn't like it at all....

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I like living here. 4 seasons plus lots of hills and valleys. I live in a hilly area but at the same time you can't see where we live from the main highway. All you can see is the tops of the trees.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I've seen some of your pictures. It is a beautiful place. I was there during extreme tempuratures both times.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, the extremes are extreme here. Right now it's extreme wind.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Here, too. Tomorrow they are saying 50MPH. That is bad news.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, it's about that here. Limbs everywhere.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Stay inside and stay safe.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

There talking measurable snow for Thursday,and very cold,already 18 below in Jackson Wyoming!!!!Brrrr,coming this way ,hit 65* today short of the 70* they predicted,very cloudy and very windy,still 55* at 10:30 pm,high tomorrow 34*,with a slight chance of snow.
About 6 jasmine flowers opened tonite,very fragrant!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

You poor guys - keep warm and drive safely. January is almost over - I always though that was the worst month, so long and dreary after the holiday festivities. I think January is the longest month of the year seems much longer than 31 days!

Hi everyone believe it or not we hate January too ...but for the opposite reasons ...heat and humidity.It has been almost normal heat the last two days,in the 90's (usually the 100's) ...we start to count the days to Autumn because we love it ...and Winter too.This year because of no sun and lots of rain we have been spared, my heart goes out to you all ...your Winters are such a trial.Ours are usually brisk at night but warm sunny days in the 60/70F usually, so you can see why we enjoy it, my Angels have been flowering (and podding ) since late Winter, but the price we have paid for a sunless summer is no passionfruit to eat! the grapes did not ripen,
most of the fruit has not ripened, our big bunch of sugar bananas went down well, very good! ...lots of things have enjoyed the rain of course ...everything is gigantic.The Rangoon creeper is three stories high. I hope your Spring dreams are keeping you warm TM and everyone, and I am sure our Tropical folk are feeling guilty like I do when we read about all that cold ...we are all wishing it your way

Thumbnail by
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Jenny,you are so right,January seems like 2 months long instead of one!!!
You get a couple spring like days then old man winter attacks again!
At least it gave me the opportunity to deep water my evergreens ,which should last until the spring rains come.

Hi Chrissy,is this true for the wine growers as well.no ripe grapes for them also?
Has the cool weather increased your bug population,or has all the rain drowned them out.
Here when our weather is like what your having,the aphids go wild and out of control.
Seems to me your having Seattle Washington weather,I just don't see how things grow so big with so little sun!!!!
My wife said when she was a little girl,in the forties,they lived in Oregon,and the ferns were so green and taller than her,and the moss ran rampered everwhere ,said it was like living in a forest of green!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So interesting seeing how the weather is world wide every day. The weather reports can never bring it to the personal level that we enjoy here. My garden is so bare and brown that I can hardly remember what it can look like again in a few months. It is actually well into April before things begin to rise up from the ground again. Don, your storm just reached us within the last hour. The winds are supposed to be 50mph today and it looks as though they are right. February is our coldest month usually....there doesn't appear to be a usual anymore. Chrissy, the monsoon weather we had in Texas last Spring/summer just moved around to your side of the world. Sure beats the drought we both endured before.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

While at work about 10:30am,the door went open and the whiteout snow was blowing sideways,look as thought the snow was never going to fall to the ground,because the wind was so strong!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I prefer one season, and it doesn't involve coats.

78F today, with that 50 mile an hour wind on a mission to clear out that temperature. Looks like the temps will be all over the place this week.

Feb here is the beginning of spring as far as the plants go, but as Christi says, there is no usual..Several trees are now in blossom around the neighborhood.
I will probably start moving things out of the green house this weekend. One or two at a time over the next several weeks.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Because of the high winds today the DFW Metroplex was one wild fire after another. 6 o'clock news was a terror. My mother lived catty-cornered across the street from me for 20 + years. She left us some 3 1/2 years ago. Today my neighbor races over and says "your mother's house is on fire". Ran across the street as the firetrucks were already everywhere. Luckily, the fire ran between the two houses and burned the grass and the wood fence...not the houses. Seems someone threw a cigarette out of the window as they went down the alley. Obviously, a neighbor. If you are a smoker, please be aware that there are more dangers than your own health, which is another whole sermon in itself.
Most of the fires in the DFW area could be attributed to cigarettes because they were mostly near major highways. The 50+ MPH winds were really something to behold. All day long. Tomorrow, 20-30, still a high fire risk.

Please be safe and consider others. 200,000 people without power because of the fires. Going to be in the 20's tonight and the Oncor people are working feverously to get the power back on. How would you like to be on a power pole?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We had those winds today too. Plus blowing snow and now temps in the teens though it may have fallen into the singles.

Sorry to hear about those fires. That's pretty scary. And pretty careless of someone too, especially when the ground is dry and ripe.

Oh LouC how awful :9, most of our fires are from ciggies too, I think smoking in cars should be banned full stop. Mobiles (cell phones) are banned here in Australia and I think ciggies are just as dangerous.I hope everything will be ok, scary when it isn't even Summer there yet.
Tm yes the hungry critters are out in force, they all think Winter is on it's way ...I have never seen such fat spiders and the grubs chewing the leaves are huge! But green yes ...everything is very green ...my jungle certainly is and the gingers are looking good.
Today is very warm 98F where I am, guess I forgot how that feels
it is very muggy and a big storm expected tonight ...LouC is right we are experiencing their last Texan Summer's conditions.
Look ...the days are flying past ...soon you will all be hauling things back out into the sunshine.Oh I almost forgot yesTm when our grapes don't ripen the wine growers make verjuice (a kind of gourmet vinegar) ...many parts of Australia have not received this rain, but the wineries in my district are in a bit of strife. Fruit is very expensive as a result of the weather.
Stay warm everyone and Rj good luck putting your plants out ...sometimes Spring can be the most dangerous of all with the warm days and sudden drops to frost overnight,I know I don't have to remind you of that (by the way those dragonfly lights were adorable!) ...however I know how excited we all get :)

Stay warm pepper ...cocoa is a good idea :)
it is 1.45 in the arvo here ...scorching hot today.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Staying warm here. lol. Did see another bus in the ditch on the way home today. Only a half mile from the last one. 2 buses off the road twice in one season within a half mile of each other. No ice either, just wet snow and not that much either. I was driving in 2wd with no problems. It doesn't look like anyone was hurt this time though. :~)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh noooooo! say it's not true!? Lindemans is my favorite wine, especially the Shiraz..
The Shiraz that's out now is so delicious.. I never buy just one bottle, but several at a time.

Yes, your right about bringing the plants out. We're going from 79 to 39 in a day, and I left the greenhouse door open when I went to work...but had too..too hot...

I am glad you enjoy Australian wines Rj ...take a tip from me ...stock up :)
stay safe everyone buses in ditches ...gosh!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I sure will....

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Wow the weather has gone crazy everywhere,boiling in one place freezing in another,wind from KC to DFW,and about the Houston area.last week California getting those huge rains and snow in the mountains,yet it's melting at both poles of the earth,at record paces.
As gardeners,were sort of like the postman,we continue thru rain wind or snow!!!!
Even the plants can't make up there minds to grow,or stay dormant!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

about that earth tilt, can some fix that?

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Possible if that asteroid hits us,I know there predicting a near miss,but you never know!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

We went from 68º right down to 25º just in a couple of hours. Now it is down to 16º with a feels like zero! It is just way too cold!!! Had the green house wide open cause it was too hot, but thankfully I shut it before I left and DH was still around to turn the heat back on! We have that horrible wind blowing, and had the blowing snow, with enough accumulation to cover everything. When I grow up I want to live in a warm climate! LOL

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I don't think I could take it anymore - my blood is too thin or whatever. We are all huddled in sweatshirts first thing in the morning because our overnight lows have been in the upper 60's. What wimps we are! Easy to tell the tourists from the locals now, they are the half naked ones.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I am sure most of us would be the half naked ones down there right now! LOL

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Same here... I left the green house door open because it was 78F when I left...I had to leave it open. It's since dropped to 52, and I'm leaving work in a few so the everything should be fine..but sounds like a cold wake up in the high 30's tomorrow morning. That means....the first thing I do when I wake up tomorrow morning is roll over, and go back to sleep!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Sounds like the life of Riley!!!!LOL
Loved that show!!!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Sounds like the best thing to do in my opinion! LOL Stay cuddled up and warm. :)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Chrissy, there is talk all the time about banning cell phones for the driver but don't expect it will happen any time soon. Lots of cities, including Dallas, have now banned smoking in any public place. Don't know how the smoking in the car could ever be enforced but throwing them out the window sure accounts for a lot of misery...always for someone other than the smoker. Still really high winds today. For several days the media has been broadcasting FlRE BANS and warning of the treacherous conditions. Some people don't believe it means them.
Well, seems I got up standing on my soap box this morning. TM, Pepper, the snow is better than fire.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Morning all! The sun is shining, but it is still COLD! I got up to coleus/impatiens sprouts this morning, so I am all excited! My very first from seeds! YIPPPPEEEEEEE

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning!! I have been offline for a while! Our power went about 9:00 pm last night and was off till 9:00 am this morning! High winds, big temperature drop, and very little snow! Went to bed...after sitting for a bit with candles. Stayed warm enough under the blankets...but woke early to a very cold house! I got up and started a fire in the wood stove..that helped!!!! We can cook on top of our stove if necessary, so I had a cup of tea...because I forgot I had coffee bags!
Cristi, I'm with you , on banning the smoking in cars. People drive down our road in the summer ,and throw them into the dry fields. I have seen them catch on fire....and had to call the fire dept. to put it out. Scary stuff!
BHM...I wish I could be a wimp like you...lol!!! I would dearly LOVE to live somewhere warm...ALL the time! Somehow..I don't see it happening though!
Ok...lunchtime here. Hi to everyone..ohh...and Tammy...wtg on the sprouts!!! Enjoy!
Hi TM :)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Marcy! I am so pleased over that, can't ya tell?! LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well yeah!! It's always fun to see new sprouts coming up!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Especially when it is your first! :)
Anyone here have thoughts or ideas on using a water bed heater for a heat mat for seeds? Been looking at heat mats, then realized I had that and the bed got torn by a dog we used to have, so it isn't any use for that now. I would love to utilize it if there is any possible way to do it! :)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Tammy,just be careful and don't leave the house with it turned on,always turn it off at nite,so to trick your seeds as in nite cooler than day warmer.
You can also build a wood frame out of 2x4's or what ever you have lying around,put a piece of glass over the frame,and put a porcelain lamp base with a light bulb,under the glass,and put your seed trays on the glass,the light bulb when turned on puts out enough heat to warm the seeds up to germinate.

Marcia,did all on New Madison lose electric as well???
Are your plants ok???

Christi,I'm with you,snow over fire anytime!!!!

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