Canna Co-op?? Would like some advice...

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Canna lovers--

Perhaps you might give me some tips or guidance on how to choose cannas?...

...I became interested in trying a few cannas last year when I saw some fabulous "Bengal" cannas planted near our football stadium here in Cincinnati--

Now I think I saw a Canna Co-op thread (somewhere?) and might like to participate...but, I don't know much about how to choose/order--or what would be best for my situation--

I want to grow my cannas in large pots for the hummingbirds--I am mostly interested in a nice impressive red flower with good plant shape (not raggety or gangley) with not so much foliage--about 5 feet tall.

I would also like to purchase rhizomes for a nice splotchy yellow and red canna to pair with it.

Also, I read on a Canna discussion thread on another site that there is some kind of virus to watch out for? Is that still the case, or have the growers rid themselves of it??

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated... Thanks again. t.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

A canna for the hummingbirds, I think you should look toward the species with the smaller flowers. A red/yellow/splotchy to go with it, lenape I think would look very nice planted with a small flowering red, it's small flower won't overpower the other.

Virus? I think the current school of thought is that probably every canna today has some amount of virus. They vary in degree and type of virus, and no, you can't get rid of it. However, canna grown in favorable conditions don't necessarrily show signs of it.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

thank you, azreno--

Will look into Lanape and try to find a partner for it.

Are you doing the canna coop?

I believe it is with the Horn Canna Farm.

FYI their link:

And the Canna Co-op forum link:

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Am not doing the canna coop, but know others who did last year and were very pleased.

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