hope someone can answer soon

Plano, TX

i have my amarylus outdoors since it is in the 50's and will be even warmer sunday--must i move them in for the night if temps are mid 30's? they have not bloomed but are very close

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Absolutely yes.

Plano, TX

oh thank you--thought if it wasn't freezing to leave them out but wasn't sure--i would have cried if i killed or hurt them since i have waited so long for the blooms!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Chilling that won't necessarily hurt the foliage can ruin developing buds and almost will certainly spoil open flowers.

I personally wouldn't let them stay out below 62-65. It just a little cooler than most would prefer as the season begins.

Even though those 50's are tempting, it might be better not to take them out where the day temperature will be higher than the indoor temperature at night. Makes the foliage stretch a bit and if light isn't optimum, it will get all floppy.

I move mine in and out in spring (just green plants, no bloomers) on "warmish" sunny days and I am still uncertain that my plants get any real benefits. Small pots seem to do better--the rootball warming up more fully than in large pots. The stronger direct light was good, but going back in at night was sort of counter-productive due to the stretching and sudden periods of cold where I couldn't take them out or find a good spot at already over-crowded windows.

The nights indoors with the warmer temps more in the natural growth range caused some stretching that the extra light didn't counter-balance.

And remember: dormant bulbs are stored at 55F so those temps just work against you.


Plano, TX

see that is why i still need to ask before i do! i brought the 8 plants back in as soon as i saw your answer and will leave them in for now--they are just about ready to open and i have been watching and babying them so am glad not to screw up this late in the game!!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Glad to have helped. You'd just be heartbroken to see the buds abort or not open right after all your hard work and so would I.

I try to wait until the night temps stay above 55F before leaving my plants out 24/7.

I say "I try" to hold to that minimum because after a few weeks of carting them in-and-out, I tend to not be as strict as I start out being, LOL. You know what I mean. I just have so many and after awhile my fortitude wears a little thin, but I will always take in plants that really shouldn't be exposed to a shocking, chilly low. It isn't often, thankfully, and I have some leeway as the flagstone and brick porch holds a lot of heat from the southern exposure.

The better you treat them, the more they'll treat you!


Plano, TX

well then mine should treat me pretty good! yes the in and out does get to be a bit of work---it is hard to remember that it is winter sometimes since it has been such a mild one here!

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