Raising meal worms

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I have been doing some internet searching to see how to raise these. I've raised them before but never through a complete cycle from where they turn to beetle, lay eggs, hatch and the larvae grows up into meal worms again.

I haven't found anything on the net that tell s me how long the complete cycle takes from the time a worm changes to beetle, lays eggs, and eggs turn to larvae and larvae grows up . Anybody know the time period it takes for this to happen.

And one more question. I know you have to keep the meal worms in a warm location if you want them to turn to beetles. But when they turn to beetles , lay eggs, and die, can I put them back outside in the cold garage. Or will that kill the eggs?

I'd like to have a steady supply of these so I don't have to keep buying them, and it seems easy enough to raise them.

Thanks for the help.


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