Starting geraniums/pelagoniums in early April....

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

I want to do a project with children I teach on Wednesday nights. To coincide with our study on creation I want them to plant something. I so enjoyed growing geraniums/pelagoniums last year I thought that might be an idea.

But I have questions.......If seeds were planted the first week in April how big would they be by Mother's Day?? That would be about 6 weeks and I am not sure if there would be enough growth to encourage the children.

We have a large south facing window to grow them in and I can check on them during the week.

I really wanted to try something different..........if you have an idea of something that might work better I am all ears.

Thanks for any help or information,

(Zone 6a)

Hey Joy, I started some geraniums from seed last year in march/april and they weren't in flower till august. They seem to be pretty slow growing. Hope this helps!


Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

Steven, thanks so much. I keep notes when I start plants but get busy/weary and don't keep them up. Saying that means I don't remember when mine blossomed and I appreciate someone who knows.

Have a great day,

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

You need to start geraniums in Dec or Jan to get flowers by Mothers Day.
I would suggest Marigolds for your project. They grow fast & don't get leggy.
Study a seed catalog & use a short variety.

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Bernie, wanted to do something a little more exciting than Marigolds but you are right.


(Zone 6a)

Your welcome Joy! It's funny Bernie mentioned Marigolds, cause I was thinking the same thing! What if you tried one of the white varities? They're a little different then the usual yellow/orange.


Eastlake, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Joy,
Geraniums do need about 16 weeks in order to grow them from seed. Why not try dahlias from seed? They are very colorful, and easy to grow. They neeed about 8 weeks to grow from seed. Here is a website with information on how to propergate them from seed. Good luck!

"stay Happy and Keep Gardening!"

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ironside, I think the idea is dead in the water as far as my Wed. night class. Bad weather has pushed the lesson date further along in the month so I will find another project.

But, I must get my own geranium seeds started. I sure enjoyed growing them last year. I will think about the dahlia seeds, didn't know they were so easy.

Thanks to all for the help. Steven and Bernie.

(Zone 6a)

Your Welcome!

Eastlake, OH(Zone 5a)

Your Welcome!

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

Sorry Ironside...........age does that to one you know!! Thank you!

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