Geranium 'Splish Splash'

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi All and greetings from the tropics,I have just ordered some seeds for this interesting geranium and wondering has anyone grown it and what is your experience.

Geranium 'splish splash'

and while I was in the ordering mood, I ordered some seeds of the platycodon (multicolored flowered balloon flower)

Has anyone grown this?

What unusual seeds are you growing and are you enjoying your successes from seeds?

Cheers Annette

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Annette, no I haven't even seen any of those flowers before!
I have just had success with some palm seds that I've had in bags of damp vermiculite since june! So far I've germinated pygmy date palms, Burrawang cycads, Cycas Revoluta, and Chamaedora elegans (which i think is a "parlour palm"
All are from seeds I collected and info on how to sow them from googling. (I Love Google)
I did buy some Aechmea blanchettiana seeds, but believe bromeliad seeds are veeerrrrry slow growing, and I don't know if they were as fresh as they should have been, but I'm patient!
I did put some progress pics in my blog about some veges I was growing, as I wanted to be able to look back and see what was successful, what time of year I planted, and how long it took to mature. Maybe you could put yours in your blog and give us a link when you get some results. Not being pushy or nuffin', just suggesting!
Off camaping tomozz, so if I don't get back before tuesday, don't fret!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Annette,

Came across this thread on a rainy day in the northeast USA.

We've had 'Splish Splash' geranium for about ten years now and it's a very well behaved plant and gives off occasional babies up to three feet from the mother plant. They transplant very well.

Enjoy it!


G"day Pirl, hope you are not too cold nice to see folk popping by ...Annette will be happy with that news :)

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Sure am, have ordered the seeds and now am waiting. I did pick up a scented pelargonium at bunnings, reallly, reallllllllllllly nice smell to the foliage, yummy.

Pelargonium 'Concolor'

Thumbnail by annette68
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Very pretty. The scented ones do smell heavenly.

We've had quite a nice winter so far. Yes, we've had our share of cold days and windy weather but just infrequent dustings of snow that disappear in a few hours. February and March will probably bring a blizzard or two.

We still have lettuce, scallions and carrots in the vegetable garden so I'm not complaining, as if that would help!

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Greeting Pirl,

Great to hear that winter has been treating you kindly and a few vegies growing to boot, that is great, i have been meaning to start a vegie patch but too busy weeding, lots of rain, lots of weeds:)

I have just downloaded a cd with rain forest music and am playing it to my plants, going to see if music makes a difference, it is soothing to listen to though.

A nice mild summer here as well, not too hot, plenty of humidity great sowing weather.

Back to the Weeding,


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My daughter is a graduate of Music Therapy so she would certainly agree that the music benefits both you and the plants.

Happy weeding. You can say that to me in six months.

Glad to hear your Winter is being fairly kind ...our Summer too ,however I miss the sun ...we can't have it all can we (we can try though lol) This is what our sky looks like every day and once again I had to delete most of my pics due to the darkness.

Thumbnail by
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Was it about to storm when you took the photo or is it just typical for this time of year?

This has been like this all Summer bar about 3/4 days ...we are used to lots of sun and are rather bewildered to find it gone missing for the Summer, we are so grateful for all the rain after years of drought but wonder when we might see some dry sunny weather again ...this is what Spring and sunshine looked like last Sept

Thumbnail by
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How lush! Here in the US some areas received 25" of rain in just a short time. That's quite a bit for plants to accept without drowning.

Annette - the platycodon does very well here, too. They having amazingingly deep roots that look like odd white carrots.

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