can i grow a howea palm outside in central london

london, United Kingdom

i have a sub tropical garden in central London....with plants such as Chilean. jelly palm. phoenix. in central London we rarely drop below -2c if ever..would like to inter plant howea in well protected area and don't want to running out every five seconds with horti fleece?.........would your wisdom thanks

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Fernypool, nice to have you visit. I can't answer your question as I live in a tropical area, but Howea make great indoor pot plants provided they get good light. We grow ours in full sun and they seem to do just fine. One thing though, they do not like too much water so I don't think they would do very well if you have another of those awful years with all the flooding.
I am sure someone will come along with a better answer for you, but it's nice to meet you!

Hi fernypool, where are you? I lived in London (Dulwich) for 14 years.
I find if you provide a bit of a microclimate (put the plants in the most protected spot you have) then tropicals will do fine in London; you are right, it so rarely really freezes.

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Your right on the edge (a little below the recommended temp). But give it a shot and consider if you are willing to take the chance. Some will try and say oh well, I tried. I've never seen one actually go below 0C.

Thumbnail by LApalms

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