A Bit Late, but ...

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

it just dawned on me that I have not introduced myself....

Pepper invited me to visit this forum ...she actually enticed me by telling me that most of the folks here are kinda crazy and that it is a fun forum... well, I have never been accused of being sane either so I came on over and joined in... (horsey folks are naturally half a bubble off plumb.. it comes with the territory)...

Thank you all for being kind and welcoming ...

I am retired. We bred quarter horses and paints until 2001 when health factors caused us to change our lifestyle. I have 7 horses left and still need to sell 2. It has been a heartbreaking process: from over 40 horses to get it down to 5.

Here is my barn:

On the left side is the addition: it has a 10' alley way and five 12x20 foaling stalls. The end stalls have a paddock attached.

The middle aisle (sliding double doors) has five 12x16 stalls on the left and on the right is a 12x12 tack room, 12x24 stallion stall, and two 12x12 stalls that I use now for hay storage. On the far right is the overhang... there are 4 open air stalls, and the front area is where we all gather ... there are benches there, etc...

We moved to MO in 1993 and I think DH was thinking about tornadoes or hurricanes when he built this barn... lol...

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