What are you ordering from Bluestone?

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Be honest. You are among friends. Here is my pre-order order. When I actually get online to order, who knows what will happen!

Achillea filipendulina 'Coronation Gold'
Bergenia cordifolia 'Bressingham Ruby'
Dianthus x allwoodii 'Desmond'
Euphorbia x martinii 'Tiny Tim'
Geranium macrorhizzum
Heliopsis 'Summer Sun'
Heuchera 'Raspberry Ice' - haven't found that one around here
Penstemon barbaratus 'Iron Maiden'
Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'
Rudbeckia laciniata 'Herbstsonne' (I think Bluestone calls this Autumn Sun)
Santolina pinnata
Tanacetum coccineum 'Robinson's Red' (I think BP calls it Pyrethrum or something)

I know it's not complete. I will find a few more things and maybe will try a clematis or the blue satin hibiscus.

Okay, so 'fess up! What are you getting this year? Don't forget the 20% off coupon ends sometime mid-February. It's time to start planning, drooling, and dreaming.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I've already placed my order. I got a gift certificate for Christmas so I used that, plus the 20% off and ordered before the Jan 16 deadline so that I could use the other coupons too. Now I just need to keep my browser away from their website and attempt to be good at the University sale. (I don't think I've ever spent less than $100 at that sale--I'm soooo bad!)

Phlox subulata "Apple Blossom"
Phlox maculata "Flower Power"
Papaver nudicaule "Matador"
Carananche "c. White"
Iris sibirica "Butter and Sugar"
Mum "Jessica Louise" and "Sunny Morning"
Clematis "Ville DeLyon" and "Arctic Queen"

I was going to order less than this, but then the last coupon was "get a surprise 3 pack when you spend $75". The longer I stayed on, the bigger my order got. Needless to say, I reached the $75 limit. ;-)

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I got Mum 'Jessica Louise' last year! Somewhere on the Perennials Forum I started a thread about what's blooming in mid-October, and Jessica Louise is the standout.

I wasn't quite ready by the January 16 deadline, and I figured out it only saved me $4.50 anyway. I decided to forgo the $4.50 and become more prepared. I spent over $200 on the University plant sale last year, Tricia. Only one thing didn't live.

I've pondered the Butter & Sugar iris more than once. Show us pictures when they bloom.

How do poppies do for you? I haven't had great success. We'll see if the Beauty of Livermere I planted last year come back. Whatever poppies I had the year before didn't. I might have weeded them. I'm kind of bad that way...

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I remember the thread from mid-October last year when you had Jessica Louise in bloom. In fact, I searched the forum to find the name before I placed my order--I copied from you because I thought it looked great!

More prepared .... hmmm. Last year I went to the U sale with my plant sheet all marked and ready to go. I bought most of the things on my list--couldn't find a few, but then added to it and overspent. My Mom actually out spent me at the sale which is unusual but then I went outside and bought from the vendors.

I ordered the Butter and Sugar because I also have looked at it for a long time. I just read on another forum that it's a slow grower and doesn't bloom well for some of the gardeners. Time will tell; I'll post pics if it blooms for me.

Last year was the first year I had annual poppies at this house and I wintersowed them. (My first year of wintersowing.) I learned a few lessons about wintersowing, depth of container is VERY important and poppies don't like to have their roots disturbed so planting them out was a challenge. I haven't had success yet with the Orientals. I've got a few planted--I bought them at the U sale--so we'll see if they come back this year. I've got more seeds so I'm going to try the annuals again this year. I hope the ones that did bloom last year self-seeded so I will continue to have them in the years to come. I need to buy some potting soil so I can get started on wintersowing this year.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I think this is the first time I've ever inspired anyone, Tricia. LOL

If you go to the Bluestone site and click on "New for 2008," there's a bunch of new stuff I hadn't seen before. I, for one, will need to add to my order after I've had time to peruse. One thing I noticed was Ratibida columnifera 'Yellow.' I'm certain I must have that one.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Don't tempt my fingers. I'm trying to stay away from that website! Oh, OK, if you're going to twist my arm ... I'll go look. :-)

Olathe, KS(Zone 5a)

OK. I just ordered and got 20% discount. Had to find catalog to get the discount number. I did not spend much this time. That is a first for me. I had 3 times the plants, then deleted a bunch because I am getting more plants elsewhere and am also going to wintersow.

Shasta daisies collection: alaska, becky, crazy daisy, snowcap, aglaya, wirral pride
Shasta daisies: ester reed, fluffy
Anchusa: Feltham Pride
Brunnera mac.

I had trouble keeping shastas alive, but now think it might have been voles so will use basket of wire for their roots. I kept knocking off brunnera, but with watering hoses in place might save them this time. The anchusa is new to me but I want it, I want it, I want it. I want anything true blue.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

I ordered the following and got the 20% off and used some of the coupons in the front of the catalog.

Deutzia setchuensis 'Corymbiflora'
Hydrange macrophylla 'Alpenglow'
Sedum 'Bronze Carpet'
Spiraea fritschiana 'Pink Parasols'
Abeliophllum 'Distichum
Beauty Berry callicarpa bodineri 'Profusion'
Northern Bush Honeysuckle Diervilla Lonicera 'Copper'
Forsythia koreana 'Kumson'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lemon Wave'
Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple'
Itea virginica 'Little Henry'
Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance
Sambucus 'Black Beauty'
Caryopteris 'Sunshine Blue'

I wish Spring would hurry up.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Me too, Nana3, although I wouldn't be even close to being ready.

I bet you'll like the Kumson forsythia. I have three, and their leaves are fun and interesting. Mine haven't bloomed yet though. The first year they were too little, and I probably got them from Bluestone after bloom time. Last year we had a late freeze and everything, including the little forsythia, that had budded had their buds freeze. Maybe this year?

I'm going to have to look up more of what you ordered, as I don't recognize a couple.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I don't have my list yet, I usually wait until spring and see what bare spots I need to fill and go from there. I visit Bluestone in person and always buy more then I need, LOL

Nana, I see you have an impressive list of shrubs. It is fun to watch them grow from babies!

I have Daphine, Carol Mackie and each year she blooms more and more.

I usually plant my new shrubs in a larger pot for a season or two before setting out in the garden. I have a "nursery" area near my deck that I pass by every day that way I can keep an eye on them.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

I chose the Kumson Forsythia for those leaves...I just drooled when I saw them.

I have a large area to plant and I am constantly begging my husband to make me new beds. Sorry about this, (some may think I am a mean old Nana) but the Grandchildren no longer play on the swingset, playhouse, or in the sandbox and that area which is large and already mulched and enclosed with landscape timbers is now going to be a very large garden spot. That is my project to plant this Spring. I have ordered several new plants, shrubs, grasses, seed and I received some nice garden decor for Christmas. I am ready...just waiting to receive my plants in April and find someone who has some little kids who will come and haul off that playground stuff for free. I bought myself a 4' Grow Light in a frame and I am starting some seed also. I'm using those little Jiffy7 Greenhouses under the light.

Ladygardener1, I actually like to start off small with my plants and shrubs even though they take a bit to get established...that way I can train them to shape as I like without butchering them to pieces. And, if you baby them they don't take but a couple of seasons to begin to look nice and mature. Besides, the price is much more to my liking.

Oh, I do have the gardening itch...I am so tired of being in the house.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I know what you mean about being in the house, Everything is covered with snow , but I really can't complain as so far it has been a mild winter here.
I have been growing some of my plants from seeds in the basement under lights, but it is a bit to early to start and I'll be leaving for a week on vacation on the 8th of Feb so I can't start till I come back.
Last spring I started some Campanula, Cup & Saucers this is the year for them to bloom, can't wait for that event!
Maybe this year some foxgloves.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Dang! I can't find my catalog...I usually order from the website then kick myself at checkout because I don't have any coupons. But by then it's too late --I have decided what I want, andI want it! LOL!


Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

The Bluestone Perennials coupons expired on Jan. 16, 2008. The 20% off is still in effect until Feb. 6, 2008 and the E-code is: s8vefr682


* Please scroll down in the posts to where I have posted a new promotion ecode number for 15% off at Bluestone Perennials until March 19, 2008.

This message was edited Feb 8, 2008 2:17 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Ah, Nana thank you!

I don't think you are a mean Nana at all -- I had my husband take down the swingset and cut the 4 x 4s to make a raised bed. LOL!

I shall name my best and brightest pink Azalea from Bluestone Nana3. Hmm, that must mean I should buy three of them - Nana1, Nana2, and yours, Nana3. :))



Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

If I'm not mistaken, I believe Bluestone usually runs a 50% off sale at the end of the spring season. Since I missed the deadline for all the coupons, I plan on waiting until then before I order ... and then I'll go gangbusters!!

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Ahhh Suzy....are ya really gonna name it "Nana3"? Ya know, since I became a Nana almost 11 years ago....no one calls me by any other name now. My grandkids actually don't call me just "Nana"....they call me "My Nana". I love that.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I never noticed the 20% coupon before! Thanks for pointing me too it. Next time I'll be on the lookout.

Raleigh, NC

Hmmm.....my 20% coupon was good till Jan. 30th....I used that, plus all the coupons I got with my last order, plus got free shipping as I had shipped back the box from my last order. Have to say, given the small size of their plants, I'm only willing to order from Bluestone if things are on sale, or I have incentives such as these. Check your catalogs and emails--I've noticed if I don't order, they often send another coupon right away with a new expiration date.

Bozeman, MT(Zone 4b)

Just placed not one but 2 Bluestone orders! I was being good on the first but couldn't stand it and placed a second. Here's my list:

Eryngium--Sea Holly--blue
Echinops Rito--Globe Thistle--blue
Catananche--Love Plant--blue
These are for my silver garden. I bought them for their flower instead of foliage.

Helleborous Orientalis--Lenten Rose for my full shade area, a space of3.5ft between two 1900s houses.
Trollius ledebourii--Globe flower--yellow/orange. I'm replacing my Walter Funcke Yarrow with this one. Anyone looking for red yarrow?
Persicaria Red Dragon--Fleece Flower--I'm a foliage nut and can't wait to get this one.
Aquilegia Songbird Cardinal--true red w/ white Columbine for a place that gets 2 hours of sun a day.

Phlox paniculata 'Juliet'--Garden Phlox--bright pink solid
Campanula 'New Giant'--Bellflower--blue
Campanula persicifolia 'Alba'--Bellflower--white
These last three are the beginning of my columnar garden. I just love creating garden 'rooms'.

...and about the Oriental poppy. They grow almost wild here in Montana and you're not going to believe why--bad soil, they love it. The 'bad' dirt in most places in the USA is too good for the poppy. That's one reason it doesn't do well. I would be more than happy to send you some really bad dirt.

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

I've been drooling over catalogues for weeks, but have had to wait to order, as my Christmas present - a greenhouse- is not quite finished! Well, power should be on by the end of the week, & we're having a very warm spell anyway- 78 degrees yesterday & today, so I can't wait any longer!
I bought some bellflowers for my kitchen counter 10 days ago - i was having a party - & they are still beautiful! So, I HAVE to (try to) grow some - I love having flowers in the house, especially if it's too cold to work outside, like it was the past few weeks! So, from Bluestone, I'm ordering: Campanula calycanthema (blue), Campanula persicifolia 'Alba', Cimicifuga racemosa, Gaillardia Tokajer (orange-brown), and Polyanthus Blue shades. Thank you, nana3 for the discount code! I know we'll have a few more freezing nights, so, I'm trying not to get too carried away! I'm just itching to start some seeds - maybe this weekend!

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

I ordered last evening before my 20% discount went off.

I really like their plants....always very healthy.

ANCHUSA azurea Feltham Pride
CENTRANTHUS Ruber a.k.a. Valeriana Coccinea
POTENTILLA fruiticosa Pink Beauty PP#9,874
BUDDLEIA weyeriana Honeycomb
SPIRAEA bumalda Neon Flash
CLETHRA alnifolia Ruby Spice
EUPHORBIA dulcis Chameleon

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)


I know it's not complete. I will find a few more things and maybe will try a clematis or the blue satin hibiscus.

You absolutely have to buy both. They are wonderful. How wonderful you won't know unless you get them.

Just kidding....I've grown neither. But I certainly know the sentiment. A week ago I had not thought about sunflowers. Then I saw Soraya. No doubt I need that. But then there is Ring of Fire. And Zebulon for its amazing pattern. And some Johnny's Pro-cuts for early blooms and bouquets. And Maximillian for a nice fall display on the back border.


Once upon a time I placer mined for gold. The joke among miners was if one of us hit the lottery what we would do is continue to mine until the money was all gone.

Gardening is worse.....

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)


Yep, I placed my order today. I'm trying not to let my spouse see how much I've spent already. But then again, what else are you going to do in February if you're a gardener in Nebraska? Ordering stuff is the best thing!

I think you need several of each variety of sunflower. LOL

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I placed an order just under the 20% cut off date ( I mean minutes).
I know I will order more before they ship ,in mid May ,in my area.
I won't know for a while if I lost things to this soggy weather.
some collections; astilbe, aster, phlox
also some dianthus, agastache, mums and a few I can;t remember

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

I just received another new catalog with a new promotion e-code: s08cshw623
which is effective until March 19, 2008. This discount code is for 15% off.

(How many of you "itching to get out in the garden" fellow DG's think I might be an enabler?) ahahahahaha


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm hoping I'll get another catalogue soon!

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

I got my confirmation today that Bluestone has my order. Shiping is for late April early May PERFECT . I would tell you what I ordered but have to get my catalog and look them up and to tell the truth I'm about ready to go to bed

Sleepy Veronica

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

I lucked out when I ordered last month because even though the xmas ordering date was over they hadn't changed the site so it took all the xmas coupons... I have been pondering what to order next.... :)~

Achillea Fiesta ( I collect Fiesta so...I had to do this one LOL)
Superbum Becky's
Lychnis coronaria Oculata
Solidago Peter Pan
Hemercoallis siloam double
Heuchera bressingham
Heuchera june bride
Perovskia (theres was so inexpensive compared to anywhere around here!)
Campanula birch hybrid

I got bored today so I planted a Daphne, Edgeworthia, magnolia and some dianthus..come on spring get here! lol

Charlotte, NC(Zone 8a)

Got a special discount from Bluestone that expired Jan. 30, 2008.
Here is what I ordered with an additional comment if I previously grew it in Dayton, OH My soil was alkaline and I was in zone 6a.

Microbiota decussata - grew well in OH
Caryopteris Bluebeard 'Longwood Blue' - grew well in OH
Aruncus aes. 'Noble Spirits'
Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
Campanula Portenschlagiana - grew very well in OH
Helictotrichon sempervivum - grew well in OH
Asperula Odorata - grew well in OH
Penstemon mexicale 'Red Rocks'

Karin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Abelophyllum distictum - White Forsythia

Fredericksburg, VA

When is the Bluestone 50% off sale?

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

I don't know but if you hear about it first please let us know!!!!! LOL no hogging all the plants to yourself ok?! :o)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's later in the year, maybe around May or so. Spring is one of their busy shipping seasons, so then at the end of spring they're trying to clear out excess inventory so they put everything on sale.

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

thanks ecrane...!!! :o)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

The end of May is more like it, I know they have a sale for people that come to the nursery after Memorial Day, usually Thursday, Fri, and Sat. I am off work on Wednesdays so usually drive up there, they are really good at giving me the sale price even when I am a day early. But if there is something that you have your heart set on better get it early, things get picked over by sale time and you may be dissapointed.

Fredericksburg, VA

Great thanks. I bought a ton last year.

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

they have half price special now on select plants.

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

I saw that! and of course had to get some...LOL

ACHILLEA ageratum Moonwalker
ARTEMISIA Schmidtiana Silver Mound
ARMERIA Joystick White
LAVANDULA Lavance Purple
NEPETA Six Hills Giant
AQUILEGIA vulgaris William Guiness

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

today's order:
VERONICA Alpine Alba
DIANTHUS x Itsaul White
CAMPANULA Glomerata Alba
hurry up spring!

Thumbnail by ritapg

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