Sansevierias "Hahnii Silver Frost". Help...............

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi All,

Can you tell me if I need to take these apart or leave them as they are.

I would like the type that are tall and straight up.

Any help would be appreciated.



Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

If they are starting to stretch the pot, you should probably seperate them. Otherwise they are ok to be in a pot together.
I can send you some bits of Sansevieria trifascata. I have a plain green with a snakey pattern, some with yellow margins and a pale grey one called "moonlight" The common name for them is Mother-in-laws tongue.
Let me know Debi and I'll pop some in the post.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Sue,

I would like to take you up on your offer.

The ones that are green but have stripes(?) on them.

I think it might be the snakey pattern, but I am not sure.

It's the one you see alot planted around the place.

So, are the one's in my picture supposed to be rosettes and full like they are????

Thanks my friend,

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

They are the pups. You can remove and they will sprout in another pot or in the ground. Don't worry, you can't kill them. thay grow no matter what you do, just don't feed much at all or water much.

Can't kill them with a cement mixer! :)
chrissy :)

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi All,

I am laughing my head off..................................

Cement mixer.........................LoL

Is there any special way to do that or just pull them apart?
I suppose it doesnt matter, nothing will kill them...........................LoL

Thanks Guys for a good laugh this morning!

A mate,

Coffs Harbour, Australia

You can cut a leaf in half, poke it in the ground, (must make sure the top is pointed up and the bottom is in the soil) and it will grow a new plant! Seriously!
I've got your addy debi, so I'll send you a couple of bits. They seem to do better with a bit of shade, but not too much water. Under trees is ideal as they multiply, but not too rapidly.

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