Looking for Job'S Tears from Hawaii

Mechanicsville, IA(Zone 5a)

I am in the market to purchase Job's Tears grown in Hawaii. Can anyone lead me to someone selling either "live" seed or quantities of seeds.

Thank You,
Tom P.

Laie, HI

mmmmmmmmmmm they just grow wild in swampy areas here. I do not think anybody actually grows them. They will need an agriculture inspection to be put in the mail too.

mulege, Mexico

You might check www.seedshawaii.com I think he has them.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Tompski, and welcome. Sorry I can't help - I haven't seen any growing in my area of Hawaii at all, it's probably too dry. I am planing on a trip up country within the next few days and they have a super nursery with quite a few unusual seed, will check it out for you.

mulege, Mexico

I checked and seedshawaii does have them. I've found the owner good to deal with.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Afternoon, all. Enjoy your little trip, Jenny. How are your projects going, Katie?

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Have you checked with Jungle Music? They might be able to direct you.

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