corn mites ?

Helena, MT

Last fall when I harvest the sweet corn some of the ears had masses of tiny black critters on the outside stalks (smaller than a pin-head). The problem was pretty much confined to one area of the corn patch. Conditions at the time of harvest were hot and very dry. When shucking the corn the black mass would smear on the shucks and my hands. While shucking some actually got inside the shucks into the corn rows. They were easily washed off and there was no decernable damage to the corn kernals. Just a messy job shucking and cleaning the affected corn.

I concluded that these might be mites, however attempts to find information in DG on these pests, relative to corn, has not led me anywhere. Regular hosing down any affected areas during the hottest part of the day seems to be a solution to the problem should it reoccur. Ideas, related links, or comments are appreciated.


south central, PA(Zone 6b)

I don't know... We had flea beetles on our corn, but they run fast. They are small, and did do damage by eating some corn at the tip. We had some smut and that is smeary, but thats not a critter. The only other thing I can think of is aphids - there are black ones I have found on certain plants.

Could be Two spotted spider mites - they do have black spots

This message was edited Jan 23, 2008 4:49 PM

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If they are pretty much immobile, I would vote for aphids.

Helena, MT

These critters are slightly mobile, but if you watch closely they do move and they are definetly smuggy. I had to wash my hands after shucking three or four ears to keep the slimmy mess off the corn, or transferring some of them to the corn where they tried try to hide between the kernals.

Will get a magnifier and check these out...aphids six legs...mites eight...right?

Question: Would hosing down the corn work as well for black aphids as mites?


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