Climbing Hydrangea suggestions

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

There are a couple of places I am thinking about putting climbing hydrangeas. The first place is on the north side of my house. When I look up climbing hydrangeas I see so many different kinds. The location where it will go is always in shade, the north side always gets frosts inthe winter so tropical plant won't make it. And this is Texas so its summers (though shaded) will be hot.
I would love suggestions:)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Hydrangeas are all plenty hardy, you shouldn't have any trouble with any of them in terms of winter temperatures. I only grow the non-climbing ones so I can't recommend any specific varieties, but I would guess if one does fine in your location the others would as well, so if there's one you like the look of best I'd go for that one. The only thing I would say is if the location is in shade 100% of the time, you may not get many blooms (unless the climbing hydrangeas behave a lot different than the others). Hydrangeas prefer some shade especially from the hot afternoon sun, but they bloom best if they get at least a bit of sun in the morning. There are two types of climbing hydrangeas...Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris and Schizophragma hydrangeoides which also is called climbing hydrangea. According to Plant Files, it looks like Schizophragma needs more sun than H. anomala does, so you might have better luck with an H. anomala cultivar

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