Today At The Watering Hole!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I recently set up a heated water bowl and have been so happy with the different birds that are visiting. As I was taking pics of Goldfinches (again) I was surprised by this pair of Bluebirds!

Here is pic #1 of 10 (hope I don't bore you)!


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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

They moved to another water bowl close by!

# 2 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

They drank and drank!

#3 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

And drank some more!

#4 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The Male flew off and the female thought about it!

#5 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

But she stayed!

#6 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

And drank some more!

#7 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Then that little Goldfinch showed up!

#8 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

But she held her ground!

# 9 of 10

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Til the Red Bellied Woodpecker showed up!

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

And he and the Goldfinch drank happily ever after!

Thanks for looking! I ordered 10,000 worms today hoping to lure the BB back! Wish me luck!!


Thumbnail by dellrose
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Great Shots, Rose. One can't be bored with photos like that .... Good luck in attracting the Bluebirds !!!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Great shots. Very good. Worms work, do they? I might try that.


Marlton, NJ

Great job Rose!!!

Beautiful pics!!

Pelle :-)

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Wonderful series of shots Rose!

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Loved the photos Rose. I have never seen a blue bird before. I know they are in this area because people put up bluebird houses for them. Thanks for posting the pics of them. Eleanor

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Rose...Great pictures! I am sure a heated bowl in your area is a treat for them. Nice variety too. I guess you are talking about a mealy worm order?

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Awesome, Rose!! Congrats on your bluebirds!! Great pictures!!

Lawrenceville, GA

Rose... Trois...
Bluebirds... and lots of other birds... LOVE the mealworms! You'll be in business. Start with a few mealies until they know to expect them... you'll be re-ordering another supply before you know it!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I've always wondered about those freeze dried mealworms. Anyone have any experience with those? I saw a feeder made for those somewhere.

Lawrenceville, GA

I tried the freeze dried things but they were a no-go with the birds in my yard. Mine prefer the wiggly kind!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

The birds must find it difficult to get unfrozen water, great job dellrose supplying them with it and you get to take pics too!

The Bluebird has lovely colouring on it's back, apart from that it reminds me a lot of our Robin. They eat grubs and worms etc too.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you all so much! I am still pumped about those little birds and have been getting the banquet ready for them when they return. I set another little table out with a plate of fruit for them and will get a small container of worms today when I go pick up more bird seeds. I will also try and find some mesh with the 1 1/2 inch opening and try and get a covered feeder made for them. If that doesn't work I will order one.

Trois, from all I've read they really like the worms. This is all new to me and all I know is what I've learned since I joined you all here! I will be sure and keep everyone posted on how many show up.

I also put up a few birdhouses and all I need to do is paint a sign for them so they know they are welcome to make their home here.

I can't believe how many birds are using the little fountain...a Carolina Wren used it yesterday and I think the sound of the water is what attractred the Cedar Waxwing the other day. He hasn't returned but everything freezes at night and for the next few days will not get above freezing so I expect a lot of action!! (I think I may have to get some Depends...too much excitement going on here)!!

Thank you all again for your kind words, comments and would not be as much fun if I couldn't share it with all of you as I know you understand. Oh..forgot to mention there were actually 5 bluebirds that visited but could only get pics of 2 of them...but hopefully there will be another opportunity!! Thanks again,


Lawrenceville, GA

Rose... You're right about birds being attracted to the sound of water. I have a make-shift dripper I made from a gallon jug which I poked a hole into the bottom edge... I've hung it by the handle from a shephard hook... it drips into a dish below I have sitting ona tree trunk. The birds come from all over it seems just with one drip.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

That's a great idea Judy...I will have to try that!! Off to find a gallon


Lawrenceville, GA

It's cheap. It looks kind of ghetto.. but it works! Just a pin hole will work... just enough for there to be a steady drip. LOL... you crack me up!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey want to see ghetto you should see my porches and patio! Looks really really bad but it is well worth it to me. I'm the only one who it should bother...and "it don't bother me none"!!! Dh doesn't care either...whatever makes the old lady happy is fine with him!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

dellrose! great pics of your bathing bluebirds! Great fun!

Now, please tell us exactly how you set up your heated bowl--puhleez!!

I have a heated birdbath bowl that the birds seem to ignore--

and I have a little pump that is in some drawer in the basement--

Should I just set the pump in the bird bath, plug it into where the heated birdbath is and place a few rocks on it and hope for the best??

Is that essentially what you did?

Thanks. t.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi T! Thank you!! The reason I put the rocks in the bowl is because someone told me they like to land on the rocks and also because the bowls I used are pet bowls and a little deep for a bird bath and I didn't want any birds drowning. I know when I used to have calves and the birds couldn't get water during frozen temps the little birds would try and drink from the calf buckets and I would sometimes find the unmentionable. Used to make me sick which is one of the reasons I think the heated bowls are so important.

As far as the pump I just put it in the bottom of the bowl and and then stacked rocks around it. The bowl in the above pic has a half brick that had a hole in it and it worked out very nicely to direct the flow of water. I set up another one in the side yard tonight (gonna be below freezing for at least 3 more days) and I just set a rock over where the water pumps out. I'll get a pic in the morning so you can see what I mean. The bowl cost $20 and the pump was about $12 or $14 and I also got a new outdoor extention cord for less than $9. Well worth the cost as I can sleep at night knowing "they" have water and I don't have to rush out at the crack of dawn and put out water that will freeze in no time.

Sorry to be so windy...I will get a pic for you tomorrow and thanks again T!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

rose--do you think the bluebirds were attracted to your bowl because it's blue?

I read somewhere that orioles were attracted to orange feeders in part because they're orange--maybe the same thing?

I'm going to get a blue bowl. All the birds seem to ignore my green bird bath--I think one of those heated blue pet bowls might be perfect--and a lot cheaper than the bird baths!

A million thanks for the idea!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

You are more than welcome Tab! I actually got the idea from Jo11. At first I didn't want a blue one I wanted something more natural looking for taking pics but I really believe that the color is one of the reasons they were attracted to the watering area. I kind of visualize them flying around looking for water and seeing that bright blue. I imagination again but the color and sound has to help. Be sure and post a pic and let us see what you come up with...I really want to see it. :0)

Had to go to town today and I didn't get a chance to see if the BB came back today but I did come up with a 14 X 14 inch cage to use for their fruit and the worms I got today. I will post a pic of that tomorrow...the cage cost nothing so it was a good deal!


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Where did you get your heated blue pet bowls?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

How did you set up your water dish? is it off the ground? attached to that pole? that first pic looks like it's attached to a fence?

this is so neat. I just have a pan out there on the ground formy birds, and have to change the water daily for them cause it freezes. I can't see much activity there though.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Our Farm and Fleet sells heated dog water bowls and other tank de-icers for livestock. I'm going to get on of the dog bowls this weekend and set it up for the birds. I'm not sure if they have specific bowls for birds or not.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Kathy is just setting on a table and isn't attached to anything else. Here is a pic of one that I set up on the other side of the yard. It is setting on an old stock tank I turned upside down. You can see the rocks and the one on the right directs the pump water so it doesn't splash all over the place. The first bowl I bought at the local feed store and the second one I bought at Wal Mart. The one I bought at Wal Mart froze last night and I'm not sure if I didn't have it plugged in all the way. If it freezes again I will take it back and get another from the feed store as that one has worked very well. Both of the bowls have a regulator that shuts off the heat when it isn't needed.

Mrs. Ed...I have seen heated bird baths online but I can't recall seeing just bowls. I would love to have a heated bird bath but so far these seem to be working out.

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Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

yes, those bird baths are always so expensive though. So the feedstore and farm and fleet are better options for me!!

For example, I once saw a pond de-icer at a nice nursery/greenhouse. $50. The same thing was at Farm and Fleet, sold as a tank de-icer for $25. Crazy!

I'm so glad though that you have reminded me that I wanted to provide water this year. I have not generally done so because we have a small river nearby that is always unfrozen thanks to a dam. I'll post pix when I get it set up.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Awesome photos of a very wonderful event!! I would have been on cloud nine!
Since water doesn't freeze here, I'm just going looking for a blue something for water. I have a copper birdbath, but if blue attracts bluebirds, I'll give it a try!!

BTW, how did you get those great photos? Not through a window. I loved them!! I love bluebirds!!!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Mrs Ed...yes those birdbaths can get very expensive..probably why I don't have one! By all means please post your waterer when you get it set up. I really learn a lot seeing what others are doing!

Ceejay...Thank you so much and I still am on cloud nine! I haven't seen them again but haven't been sitting at my window so I may have missed them. I set up a cage with a banquet today but they were a no show...however a little Carolina Wren did enter it and peck away at a piece of fruit! I took the pictures through my garage door window. It doesn't have a screen and I had just cleaned it...only because I wanted to take normally don't do windows!! They were about 12 feet away and I just starting shooting on Auto (not that I can shoot any other way). I can't say for sure that the blue bowl did the trick...but I know I won't change colors now!! I hope you can get some Bluebirds to visit...I know how beautiful your pics will be! Thank you again,


The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Ah! Cleaned your window. Never thought of that! I'll give it a try! LOL!!
I love those little Carolina Wrens too...

Hebron, KY


I loved seeing all your Bluebird pics and comments! We have a birdbath heater for one of our two birdbaths that sits on our patio and we plug into the outlet. Would love to have the Bluebirds here too!

Super shots! Thanks so much for sharing those very beautiful birds with all of us!


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