New barn

Alpharetta, GA

Okay, I am revisiting this subject as I am working with my builder now on the barn. It is going to be a 3 stall barn with feed, tack, and storage (outdoor wash area) - aproximately 38' x40'. What are things you would put in - must haves - and then what is the wish list? The stalls will be concrete block poured at least 4' high and the front of stall will normal wood front to match opposite tongue and groove wall. Dirt stalls compacted with good drainage and rubber mats. As finances and time permit rubber pavers down the 12' aisle. Barn end doors with windows on the top half. Not doing dutch doors off stall because it drops off there so there isn't a need for them. How large would you make the windows in the stall? Would you use aluminium or galvanized steel on the stall fronts? Lighting??? Fans in every stall - above in ceiling (hi) or above stall in corner? Lighting in every stall? Floresent or "pretty" lights down aisle? Ceiling fans down aisle? Ridge vent on roof - machanical ventalation or not? One area that can be lit up bright for emergancies that need more light. At least one outlet for higher watage things - heat lamp? I want the ability to have hot and cold water in barn. My builder is asking for what electrical I want so I need to get that to him. He is designing the barn to look like a carriage house because of it being right by the house. I'll post pictures of the plans as I have them. For now any and all input would be great. Excuse all the spelling!

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