
Punta Gorda, FL

Does anyone know a good source for tramme. For those who may not know of it, tramme usually comes from Portugal. It is actually a needlepoint canvas on which has been basted the entire scene or picture, using the same wool as is used in working the piece. One simply does the needlepoint stitch over the basting. Tramme produces a much more realistic piece since many more colors are used and there is no question as to whether the handpainting or stamping bled over into another color field. I completed one piece that was about 2-1/2 feet long by 4 feet wide, using 97 different colors. People think the finished piece is a painting.

I had a wonderful souce in Fort Myers, Fl., Sondra Chappelle, but she has simply disappeared. Any leads you might have would be fantastic! I've tried New York City, the internet (none had the quality or choice I've seen before -- even looked in Brazil, but was only there 1 day!

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