when you visit an iris garden....

Dauphin, PA

I expect to have more visitors to my iris business this year, and I'm excited about that, but I'm afraid I might be overlooking some important things, and I'm hoping that many of you who have visited iris businesses could offer ideas. I sell online primarily, so on-site iris sales are new to me, although we've had experience selling Christmas trees and vegetables on site.

(I don't post often in season, I'm a little leery of mis-using the forum since I'm a seller, but I always read the posts here, and I like to post in winter a little bit.)

Anyway - my iris are at my house, so the number one issue, no pun intended, is the potty. I've had wonderful people come to visit in the last few years and have welcomed them into my home without reservation. But a regional magazine is supposed to run a piece about my iris in early spring, and if they do, I could have significant visitors during bloom season. I have scrounged up benches and chairs for visitors who need a rest, and I've notified my insurance agent in case anyone trips over a cat or something, and I've prepared bed books with info about the varieties, and I have a garage fridge that we stock with bottled water. But what do I do about the bathroom? There are no nearby public options, and there's nothing in my house that anyone would take anyway, and iris people are cool people, so my first thought is to just let people know it's the first door on the right and be done with it. But the insurance agent was adamant that I ought to rent a porta-pot for the duration of bloom season so no one would be in the house without me.

What have you seen at other businesses, and what would you do?

And what do other sellers do about the varieties they have that are not yet for sale? I have about 500 for sale and about 700 that I don't yet have in enough quantity to sell. Sadly, they are not completely separated into different beds. There are entire beds that are not for sale and entire beds that are, but there's still quite a bit that's half and half. Do you think different color tags will work? I could hand out a paper that explains, say, that blue-tagged iris are not available for sale this year. I hate the idea of someone making a wish-list (I know I should provide clipboards and pencils) and then finding out that their selections are not available. How should I handle that?

Any ideas that would make the experience better for a customer would be greatly, greatly appreciated!


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Katie-- I'm not a grower but there are many growers in my area (Willamette Valley). I think the most efficient way to do this is hand out a checklist to each visitor with all the varieties of iris that will be offered, leaving out those that are not ready. Make sure you explain this at the top of the list, perhaps in bold print. Potential customers will appreciate this as the names are already printed out (they don't have to write them) and all they will need to do is check off the ones they are interested in. It would also be nice to have some blank space for the visitor to write notes regarding any of the irises whether they are available yet or not. This should be very easy to do on your computer.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Katie - I've been to many different growers whose business was on their home property, especially back east...I never even thought about asking to use their bathroom.....but if there was a porta-potty and I needed to go, I was grateful....more time to spend buying plants!

As for your list.....what if you make a list of ONLY those plants that are available this season....customers can circle the names of the ones they want to purchase to make it easier for you ---- its OK that there are plants that are not ready for sale in the same bed, these are working gardens, not a retail nursery.

Customers can just make notes to themselves on the back of your available list ...whether its about ones they are purchasing or ones that want to put on a wish list for next season.

The simpler the better......I usually go expecting that I will need my own paper, pencil, etc. but like to see list with plant info and prices.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL! Cross-posting --- but I think we're on the same page.....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

While I don't sell plants our gardens have been on the Historical Society tours twice and only one person ever asked for the bathroom. What can you do but agree? I'd hate to see her wet herself!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I have a nursery, and have been asked only a very few times by someone to use the potty. It's so seldom I wouldn't be concerned about it. It forces you to always keep your potty clean, though.

I think it would be nice to hand customers a list of the ones available, along with the ones not available yet, but will be in the future, so they can take notes. A clipboard to hold the lists might be nice, too, and hopefully you would get most of the clipboards back.

Dauphin, PA

Maybe my Christmas tree customers need the potty more often because it's cold! Or maybe I shouldn't offer them hot chocolate and coffee to carry while they're choosing their tree. Or maybe iris collectors have larger bladders. Hmmm.

I like the idea of having a printed list of available iris, and possibly one of iris that should be available the following year. It makes it easier for customers and reduces the possibility of an error with similar names, and it makes it easy to provide a price list. If I can coordinate this with my data program, I could update the list every few days to reflect sales and change the status of ones that are sold out. You're giving me great idea here, thanks!


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Katie,

That is wonderful that you are opening your garden for on-site sales. It sounds as if you are preparing well for this years visitors (and for future years). I think it so thoughtful that you offer bottled water, books to read, and benches and chairs. It'll sure encourage your visitors to come back year after year. :-)

That it! we have bigger bladders! (hee- hee) Actually, I think since your insurance agent made the port-a-potty comment she probably has heard of some 'great tales' from other people who allowed unknown visitors into their home. AND - - since your garden will be published in a regional magazine it may be smart to play it safe (better safe than sorry). Even though there may not be many that use your potty - all it takes is one demented person to ruin your current held experience with iris customers and visitors.

I agree with those above making "available iris" lists to distribute to your visitors, with something to write their 'wish-list' on.

Also, may I suggest to make sure that you have plenty of competent help on hand to answer questions, and help with the taking of orders (and keeping track of the monies paid). Of course it all depends on how you will be doing that.

Good luck on your new venture! I wish I lived near-by.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Wish I lived nearby too:)

I would follow your insurance agents recommendations and rent the portable facility for the customers/visitors. Your business is going to be booming and you shouldn't leave your personal space exposed. You've been kind and trusting allowing people into your home and it's terrific that you've not had any problems but I think it would be in your best interest to provide an alternative especially if you anticipate being so busy that you have to leave your home unattended. Also depending on the business and the rules in your area, you may have to have a "real" public facility due to Health Code rules and restrictions.

Sounds like we're all going to miss some fun:)

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

Well, I'm a bit late in reading this post but, I'm happy that I found it.

I will start by saying to everyone else that Katie is a very personable host who wants to do nothing more than make everyone happy with the quality of her irises. I hope that anyone who is within driving distance can take a day to enjoy the beauty of her irises. I am looking forward to seeing it again this year.
Katie, I personally do think it is a great idea to have a porta potty. Of coarse I have no idea what kind of expense is involved with that. When I go to any place...the first thing I look for is to see if there is a potty anywhere.
The ideas for the "available list" and clip boards are really great ideas.
Your offering The bottled water is very generous however, it it more of an expense than what you probably need to do. Many places where I have visited simply have a large cooler of ice water with paper cups available. Trust me ... on a 90 degree day that cooler was just fine and very appreciated.

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

Many places where I have visited simply have a large cooler of ice water with paper cups available. Trust me ... on a 90 degree day that cooler was just fine and very appreciated

Trust her on this, One 5 gal cooler is about the cost of 1 1/2 cases of bottled water, the Iris farm I go to has 2 -5 gal coolers with ice water.

On the port a potty the place I go rents 2 of them from the start of bloom till a bit after, If you find the right place to rent from, you will get a discount on 2 & also a discount for renting more than 1 month, hope this makes sense to you.

The place I go, has a dig your own bed, this may be something you could do down the line, or maybe not, he also has MANY BEDS you can look at all day, but HE is the only 1 that can/will dig from them, if I see 1 I want & it's in short supply, that's a fact of life & I have to wait till he has enough that he can sell from it. a list of available is a great idea, but that could change daily depending on the business you do.

Best Of Luck To You!!

The people you see in the far back are in the dig your own bed.
Bed to the right of me is 1 of his MANY display beds.
This is my Mom & I at my local Iris farm.;)Anita

Thumbnail by NYVOICES99
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


Is that Borglums? My favorite place to go in the spring.

Maybe I'll see you there.


Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Polly,
Yes it sure is:) I just LOVE Dana's place, when will you be going? :)Anita

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


I go when the siberians bloom.

last year I got Seneca Midnight Blues, his new one.

Isn't Dana just the nicest man?

It's a ways for us, so we normally make it a day trip. Go to Highland Park in Rochester, Borglums, the Mexican restaurant in Geneva (I think).

How far are you from Borglums?

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh, Yes he is, Could not ask for better.

I'm about 1 1/2hrs from him, Lunch at Pizza Hut in Penn Yan for us, I do LOVE Mexican food & yes he is in Geneva.

I wish he would upate his site,the pics on it many I took 4-5 years ago:)Anita

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Where exactly are they located? I will be back in Syraucse area mid April, plan on going to Phoenix Flower Farm, but could certainly hanlde one more!!!

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

LOL, hey MrsJ, since your coming that far to NY you may as well add one more stop. Afterall, Stoneycreek is just down the road a ways in PA.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'll mapquest ya!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I would love to visit Stoneycreek some day. Katie seems like such a nice person, and has such a great selection of iris.

I don't want to steal this thread, so will dmail mrsj.

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

This is the link to Borglums & I'm proud to say, I took the pic of Dana & Sylvia & many others for them.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Neat, Anita. I've looked at the website lots before, and am pleased to know who took the pics.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Looks like I may have some fun things to do in April!!!! Thanks everyone!!!

Raleigh, NC

OK - Y'all. Just found this thread, and I'm going to tell on myself.

two years ago we squeezed a tour of Ensata gardens into an emergency trip. I'd emailed ahead for permission, but we arrived early and they weren't expecting us yet. Those two wonderful gentlemen were kind enough to let me walk through the beds. I had never seen Japanese irises, or siberian irises like theirs!

we had driven a long way and did not see any place to stop before getting there. I got so incredibly excited I paid no attention to anything in the whole world. My body finally took over and I started to have an accident.

practically ran back to the car and we tore out of there. I was so ashamed, but did 'fess up about why we left in an email! Nor have I ordered yet from them - with our recent drought it was pointless to try JIs. Theirs will be the first order I put in this year.

by all means, get the porta potty! Cooleys and Schreiners both had them last year. Visitors will bless you, as it doesn't occur to most of us to ask to use a private residence!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

JI's are a piece of heaven here on earth!

Thumbnail by pirl
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

One iris garden that I visted had tables with 3 ring binders of their iris, under a shade canopy. It was complete with pictures, stats, and if it was available. They had many varieties in pots for sale. Also homemade lemonade and water was available in large Gott coolers. They had a restroom in their facility, but if you are expecting several, a porta potty would be nice.

Good Luck

Teresa in KY

I have begun selling from my garden, mostly online. It seems to confuse people that are not collectors to have a pricey plant beside a modest priced one. If it wasn't so work intensive it would be nice to have them grouped together.

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

some of us older ladies can't go anywhere there is not a potty!

Dauphin, PA

I've appreciated all the feedback since this thread started and I want to let you know that I've taken every single comment seriously! We've reserved the porta-potty, made up binders with price lists, tracked down a water cooler, scrounged up some freebie benches and chairs. I've got a basket full of clipboards, small notepads and pencils. Can't do the dig-your-own bed for this year, but it's a great idea and I'll set that up for next year. We'll have a couple hundred in pots on the "Immediate Gratification" table for people who just can't wait until it's time for the iris to be dug after bloom season is over.

Now all I need is more hours in my day. Anyone know a source for that? :)


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good luck, Katie. I hope it all works out perfectly for you.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I wish I was going to be back in NY this spring......but I just returned last week and won't be heading back until July!

Wishing you sunny days and lots of sales!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Hope you have a fun and profitable season=D Wish I lived near you!

Lebanon, OR

wish you did too:)

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Katie, your website is beautiful. You have a wonderful selection!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Best of luck Katie. Please let us know how you do.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I've been making a bit of a list from the website:lol: Really beautiful iris:)

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