Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

While birding today, I found four different flocks of Waxwings, 100+ birds each. Every flock was feeding on frozen crap apples. One bird almost landed on me. It was within inches before realizing I was human not a tree.


Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Melbourne, FL

Dragonfly62, I'll take you up on that offer of sparrows....I have never seen one in my yard, even though they live in the local wal-marts garden center, much to their dismay. Let me know when you can ship (haha).

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Wonderful shots everyone!

grasmussen, that must have been amazing seeing so many Waxwings! Crap apples, lol, must be tasty to them when there's little else. The wing feathers on your last bird pics look short and stacked like cards, very neat, is it a younger bird?

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL, Gary that is one puffed up birdie!!!

This message was edited Jan 20, 2008 11:20 AM

Metairie, LA

Beautiful pictures -- nanny the flying finch was great. The purple finches were beautiful. That waxwing was terrific. I have to ask camera questions -- having trouble with getting that perfect shot lately. Especially using a zoom lens and focusing.

lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Well, we finally got something besides the dreaded hawk....our flicker....

Thumbnail by Depsi
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great Flicker Depsi!
We get our share of hawk visits too, especially this time of year.

Nice pics everyone!

Here's a little Bewick... after the hawk left.

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

and at the window...

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

My daughter was at it again this morning. She found our Red-Tailed Hawk in its favorite spot -- across the field in front of our house.

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Ode to a Peanut...

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

ok, if ya'll are going to hang out with me on the feeder, you'd better keep it quiet....

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

At least once a day I think that someone has posted the most beautiful pic I've ever seen of a bird, then along comes another one like the fella at the window...mrw31's finch at the feeder blew me away, too....every single one these pics belong on calendars....what a delight this thread is!!!!! Deb

Marlton, NJ

Good to see you again Depsi! Glad you caught the Northern Flicker at the feeder!

Great pics everyone!

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Blue Jay mad because I took his pics but corn is more important. Bev

Thumbnail by dragonfly62
Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by dragonfly62
Klamath River, CA

Do you get the feeling that we're in a rut? (California Quail)

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

Those Quail down there are sure in a rut.......(Steller's Jay)

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Marlton, NJ

LOL adel!

Nice pics dragon!

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Great shots as always!
Adel.-The color on those Steller's Jays is so amazing.
Debnes - I've never seen a Bewick's. Great up-close shot. Very much like ours here, but juuust a bit different.
Ind-Liliy: Your daughter's a budding Audobon I think. :)

A Bluejay came to the feeder this morning. First one I've seen since early autumn. I was so excited and there I was with the camera, but he wouldn't come out from behind a clump of branches. Darn it.

This is the yellow-est Goldfinch we've seen.


Thumbnail by DebinSC
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

This Car. Chickadee was chasing the Goldfinches away from the BOSS.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Deb and Dragon, aren't the Blue Jays fickle? I've noticed "mine" hate getting their picture taken, so I have to do it from inside, where they can't see me.

Depsi, I'm glad your hawk left for a while!!

Deb, Cori has never faltered from wanting a career that has soething to do with wildlife. Now she's talking about wildlife rescue in Alaska. Trying to tell her as nicely as I can that there's no way I'm moving there!! LOL!!

Adelbertcat, sorry your Quails are in such a rut, but they are very pretty. :)

This Robin is obviously very lost and sad that he decided to stay here for the winter. It has warmed up to a balmy 18 degrees now, though. I had to do a double take when I saw him because in my microclimate, they rarely overwinter here. I guess the early bird gets the worm, eh?

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Blue Jay through my dirty window. They usually fly away quickly from indoor movement too.

Thumbnail by debi_k
Marlton, NJ

Very nice pics debin! I love both those birds!

indiana, I'm surprised the Robin is coming into your yard while its so cold; I'm only seeing them flying by now.

debilu, nice Blue Jay shot! Mine are hanging back since the flocks of Starlings came in but the Coopers Hawk chased them all out for a while.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Debilu, you're window does not look dirty!! Great picture!!

Pelle, I'm at a loss too.

Ok, does platform feeding count as ground feeding? Poor Cardinal doesn't know what to make of the Mourning Dove in her feeder!

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Carolina Wren enjoying the natural feeder.

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics indiana!

Yes thats one of the drawbacks to the platform feeder is that Doves will park themselves in it. :-)

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Great photos everyone!!

I actually had a Pileated Woodpecker on my post (suet/peanut butter) feeder this morning, about 30 minutes after I had come in from doing my bird count. I was crushed :-( but am hoping he/she will stop back by very soon. I can't believe one has finally come to my feeding area and thought I was going to have a heart attack, LOL! This turned out to be a very good morning to watch the birds, it was only 4 degrees but nice and sunny...the feeders were very active. I had White-crowned Sparrows this morning, for only the 2nd time this winter, there were 4!

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

And here was a very angry Red-bellied Woodpecker, I think that was a Starling trying to land on "his" post.

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics sadie! I'm sure the Pileated will come back.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Sybil...I love that pic of the RBW! The look in his eye is priceless!! I love those WC Sparrows too and have a hard time getting a pic of them.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Pelle, I sure hope it does!

Thanks Rose, those White-crowned Sparrows jump around so much that they are hard to catch. I've found that I get better pics of the fast movers if it set my camera to sports mode.

Danvers, MA

Nice pics All!

I just returned from Dogsitting (with birdfeeders!) and I did get a couple of good shots.

The first 2 were taken sunday 1/13.

Dark eyed Junco at the feeder

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

2 juncos 1/13

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

The same 2 juncos the next day wondering what the heck happened!

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Another Junco today

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Nothing but Juncos pretty much all 10 days of dogsitting. There were some goldfinch but I couldn't get a good pic of them. There were some BC chickadees and a cardinal and BlueJay, but mostly Junco's.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

That cardinal pics was something else. Thanks for sharing. BEV

Marlton, NJ

Nice pics Shan! Good to have you back!

tiger thats a cool looking Cardinal!

sadie, Nice catch of the angry Red-bellied Woodpecker!

lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Indiana, we were at a friend's house this past week at quite a bit higher elevation even than we are and they had at least 15 robins in their crabapple tree....none of us had seen them here before that or after...it was startling....Deb

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