fungus on stratifying seeds - help!

Galien, MI

Hi Everyone, I have several different batches of maples seeds stratifying. I thought I had been careful to pretreat the seeds well, and control moisture, but I'm still getting various amount of fungus on the seeds. I need a few ideas on how to control this without using the standard fungicides. I also can't use the bleach method. Both of those bother my asthma. I have used hydrogen peroxide, both soaks and light sprays, and cinnamon. I wasn't sure if using baking soda or vinegar would affect the seeds.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? Right now, I have them in peat moss, but about a 50/50 seed/peat mix. I have just enough water to keep them moist, but let them move around freely. Some containers are airtight, others aren't. The airtight ones seem to be worse, so I'm working on those more. I'm letting them mildly dry out on top uncovered, mixing it up, and reducing overall moisture, but I'm concerned about them getting too dry. I have tried putting them in a location where they experience 32 degrees for a very short time period ( I guessed that outdoor sown seeds would experience mild periods of freezing temps). The H2O2 and drying phases are controlling the fungus, but I have to do it often. At least once a week. Should I expect to be treating them once a week?

I wanted to ask in this forum, instead of the seed or propagating forum, in case japanese maple seeds had unique requirements.

Thanks, LJ

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I think unless you are willing to use fungicide you will continue to have problems ...captain is relativly harmless and works use it highly diluted ...I assume you are refrigerating these if not that is a definite thing you are DOING WRONG...I had mine in the fridge in sealed zip lock bags spead out flat in a vegestable crisper by itself ( JM seeds) for four months with a towel soaked in captain and squeezed out!!! ...( resoaked and squeezed out ) every month or so til some started sprouting with NO fungus!!! David

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