naturaliziing irises?

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

I really like irises, but everywhere I plant them in a flower bed I have a bigger problem with grass there, so I was thinking I should just plant them in the yard and let them naturalize. Are there some types that are better for this or do any of them work in grass? Thanks in advance.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

silver there is a lot you can do with iris but grass can steal nutrients from them so you would have to add fertilzer 5-50-5 to feed them which may not be good for a lawn situation. How ever native iris might just be the thing for you as well as very agressive iris such as John (IB), Virginia Lyle (MTB can kill this thing even with professional round up) Iris lutescens, Iris virginica, some lousiannas if you have a wet area or wetter area.

Hope this helps

South Hamilton, MA

I checked with my husband who is a biologist. He doesn't think TBs would naturalize, being garden bred for so long. However species iris are a meadow plant & plants like I.versicolor & I, virginica which have survived the wild might work. You wouldn't be able to mow where the iris plants are. Anita has good suggestions.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I have had excellent luck naturalizing with iris pallida. It does not seem to mind grass, or any other weeds. Of course, you would not be able to mow it.

This is growing in grass at the side of my deck. I clip the grass down on occassion, but it is a hard area to mow, so I put the iris there.

The variegated leaf ones are more finicky, and I would only try the green leaf one, which may be hard to find.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks ya'll. Very interesting suggestions. I'll do some reading and find out more about these and where to buy them.:)

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