Anyone know about Italian peppers?

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Hello NE gardeners,

My family is from NY and my parents moved us out here in 1953. My dad has been asking me for a few years to see if I can find some seeds for Italian peppers that he remembers his mother made all the time.

I have tried several kinds, but they are never the right ones. He describes them as long, green and mild. Used to fry them with eggs or sausage. Some of the ones we tried are hot or turn red.

Does anyone know of the peppers we are seeking? I would really love to find some seeds for these peppers for him. He just turned 88 yr. old and he still loves to grow his own veggies.

I sure appreciate any help you can give me.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Donna; They sell them here for 99¢ a pound at the Italian market. I believe they call them Cubanelle peppers.
- here's a link

Hope it helps! ☺

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I think you found it WC2. I just checked out the link and went to order them, but YIKES, they want $4.99 for delivery of 1 packet of seeds. I looked at some other items to buy, but don't see anything else I need at this time. I will check around more.

Thanks so much for your help,

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