Benton County, MO(Zone 5a)

Good morning all! Here's a picture I just took a few minutes ago. It's cold but sunny and the temp is about 7 degrees.

Here is one of my RBW's with some Purple Finches. I think they're starting to get used to him.

Thumbnail by creekwalker
Benton County, MO(Zone 5a)

Here's a poofy Chickadee

Thumbnail by creekwalker
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great pics CW, Wallaby, Debin,

and Gary!!

Will probably not see BWW and so many other birds except in those good pics y'all share!


lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Hi Guys, I know Bob & I are being redundant but this is our daily pic today....we still have them!!! the two boogers!!! Have a great day.....Deb

Thumbnail by Depsi
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Very nice pics everyone! We are freezing today but at least the sun is shining! I was so shocked to look outside my window a little while ago and saw a Cedar Waxwing land on my chain link fence!! By the time I got my camera it was gone but I rushed a plate of fruit out to the platform just in case it comes back. My goodness...my heart is still going overtime! I've been on the hunt for them and am now heading out to the tree I spotted this AM with berries still on it. Hope I don't freeze too badly but it will be worth it if I can catch them in the act. At least I know they are in our area!!

Here is a pic of an American Goldfinch...hope it makes you smile!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Funny dellrose! 'I'm trying to look like a one-eyed moo-cow' lol.

Marlton, NJ

Lovely pics Everyone!

Beautiful Thrush Wallaby!

Very nice pics of the Red-bellied Woodpecker & Black -capped Chickadee, CW!

Depsi, Great to see you! Beautiful pic even if it is of your enemy Hawk. :-)

dellrose, Super Cute Photo!


Klamath River, CA

Puffy Western Scrub Jay.

This message was edited Jan 19, 2008 5:20 PM

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

This are from a couple day's ago. Still goin' thru today's!

Blue Jay's were looking pretty for me.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Blue Jay

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

White Breasted Nuthatch taking a bow....or mooning me...not sure which!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Marlton, NJ

LOL, good one nanny! Nice pics!

Good Scrub Jay pic adel!

A little later:

***f_chisolm will be starting the new Daily Pics thread***


Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Love the Goldfinch, Dellrose!! And the cow! :)

Great pictures, Nanny, especially the one where you're being mooned, only because I got a ton of those today!! LOL!

My 10 year old daughter just got this shot of a Chickadee. I was quite impressed with that because they just don't stay still long enough to focus in on!!

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Very impressive, indiana! Get her a camera! Tell her great job!!

I have a really hard time getting them because they come and go sooo fast. I did get a few okay ones today that I will post later.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I got a shot with some birds today, temp was -6F.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Marlton, NJ

OMG thats bitterly cold Al !

Beautiful pic!


Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

OUCH, Al!!!! I don't even want to know what your night time temp will be. We are supposed to go down to 2, but I'm sure you'll be much colder.

Thanks, Nanny! :) Actually, for her 8th birthday, I gave her my Canon Powershot 400. It's a decent camera for her, but now she insists on using my Panasonic FZ8. Sigh....

Here's another one she took today. She adores the Carolina Wrens, and almost got one to eat from her hand today. She's named this one "Candy."

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Marlton, NJ

So cute!

Marlton, NJ

Wonderful pics Everyone!

Now its onto a new thread! Please go here:


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