Potted Christmas tree questions

Lima, OH

Post Christmas I bought a decorated pine tree cheap. It's in a one gallon nursery pot. I set it on my dining room table and in a week or two it is putting out all kinds of new growth. I don't know what to do with it. If I put it outside the new growths will be killed. Temps over the next couple of day will be near zero. Would there be a problem just leaving it inside till spring and then planting it?

A friend who works occasionally for the local parks department thinks it's a Stone Pine (or Umbrella Pine) Pinus pinea but to me it looks pretty much like a standard pine of some sort. According to what I've read the Stone Pine can't take temps below 45 degrees???? I've attached a pict. Please let me know what you think. I'll also post a second close up of the new growth.



Thumbnail by tervherd
Lima, OH

Here is the close up of the new growth.

Thumbnail by tervherd
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It's a White Spruce, not Stone Pine. Keep it cool, but not too cold (around 7 to 10°C average; down to 2 or 3° at night, a bit higher in the day), and with bright light, for the next month or so, then a bit warmer. Plant it outside when all risk of frost is over.


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

We raise Christmas Trees here on the farm and it is very important not to transplant it until it is dormant. In your case, it may not take a rest because of the temperature inside.
If you keep it in the cooler area and in the Spring transplant it you should be fine. We will be doing all our planting in the Spring. I have baby Douglas Fir, Balsam and Concolor that I started from seed in the greenhouse. They will go outside in the Spring in a larger cooler greenhouse or depending on their height, maybe in a cold frame type place until they are big enough to move to the fields. You will need to be sure your little tree has plenty of water, but not too much since it is growing instead of resting. I am really not good at keeping larger evergreens in pots. I usually kill them, so maybe you should wait and see if someone else gives you advice. LOL. I am better at starting seedlings and going from there.

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