anybody grow texas tuberose or african hosta?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

just got these plants and wondered what to expect. here are the botanical names.

manfreda maculosa....texas tuberose

drimiopsis maculata....african hosta

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

mama, I was just looking up those plants as I'd never heard of either. They both look really cool, and sound like they should be very happy in your area. I noticed these in Plantfiles:

Let us know how they do. Good luck!

I grow or have grown both. The drimiopsis needs dry shade in our heat. I found that out the first year when the heat scorched and wilted every leaf in the sun. But it did well in the shade. Just make sure that it has good drainage or it will rot. I have the manfreda all over my garden and it does well just about everywhere and doesn't mind the sun or the heat. You can't go wrong with that one!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

jess, had i but known you had these all over the yard i could have saved myself a little money. lol. now in new mexico when it's july/aug. what do your temps run? but it cools down at night where you live right? the way texas goes is if it's 110 in the daytime it 100 at midnight. so it never cools off for the whole duration of summer.

and by the way jess, have you seen that yellow hesperaloe? lmk if you run across it locally for sale.

Your summer temps are the same as mine. I've been wanting to get that yellow hesperaloe for awhile now, too. Both the red and the yellow are really common landscape plants around here, so you'd think that I could find it easily, but all that I can locate at local nurseries is the red. But when I find it, it'll probably be cheap. I know I can get a gallon of the red flowering one for 2.50 because they're so common. The Convention center here has massive plantings of the yellow outside and I've been really tempted to just dig up a small offshoot, lol.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

a gallon for 2.50? that just makes me want to spit. a gallon would at least be 15.00 here if not 20 plus. also, is it likely you are going to find any new salvia or agastache close by?

15.00! I can't believe that. I guess the hesperaloe are sooo common here that we are over run with them and don't value them. The S. greggii cultivars are pretty easy to come by here but no other salvias and the only agastache I ever see is A. rupestris. I have A. rupestris and A. foeniculum if you'd like some in the spring.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

yeah, yeah. esp. rupestris. what color are these?

did you ever get a beschorneria?

Here's is the pic of the A. rupestris that I submitted to the Plantfiles.

Here's the other Agastache.

I've been wanting the beschorneria for awhile now but I'm too cheap to pay what Plant Delights is charging for it, and I can't find any other place online to get it, lol.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i have a small one i can trade for that agastache. interested? i am talking about rupestris. and the picture you submitted is gorgeous. the beshorneria has been outside since sometime last year. it was still evergreen the last time i checked. it's about 5-8 in. tall. big difference but i can't remember how tall it was.

I'd definitely love to trade in the spring. Now I just have to wait for the weather to be consistent!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

well lmk when you are ready.

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