Feeder Watch(ing)...

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Birdsters--

Just found this interesting feeder bird data on Cornell's Feeder Watch site. I like it because it places the birds that visit our feeders into a bit of context . And I thought the DG Birdsters might find it interesting too...


We find 'Feeder Watch' has loads of other data that is helpful, too, for IDing and so on...and it's a Cornell Project so top class, of course. Joined a couple of years ago and have signed up again for this year...it's not hard to do and since I am feederwatching so much, I thought the info could be put to some good uses....

Happy birding today...our feeders are busy... t.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Our bird list for today was pretty good--cold and clear and sunny. All the suet feeders were filled, BOSS and safflower in the hopper feeders,thistle in the tube feeder, and the Woodpecker Seed Cakes were very popular today...

cooper's hawk
pileated woodpeckers (2) first time we saw them this year!! Yay!
red-bellied woodpeckers
hairy woodpecker
downy woodpecker
northern flickers
northern cardinals
blue jays
brown creepers
tufted titmice
white breasted nuthatches
carolina wrens
carolina chickadees
white throated sparrows
house sparrows
starlings (today was the first day we had them at our feeders (not a good thing for us!)
mourning doves
assorted sparrow type birds that I can't identify
crow (or some kind of large blackbird was a 'flyover')

We are very excited that we saw a pair of Pileateds today--they didnt' come to our feeders, though--we thought they had perished, but I guess they just found a better source of nutrition...

This red feeder from Lowes for about $26.00 is very popular and easy to care for...(we have a squirrel baffle on it.) The woodpeckers like the suet on the sides...

Pardon the poor picture taking--I am trying to learn and am very frustrated with my progress!

Thumbnail by tabasco
Marlton, NJ

Congratulations on the Pileated Woodpecker coming back tab!!!

Lawrenceville, GA

Oh YES, tabasco... I'm THRILLED for you!

This message was edited Jan 16, 2008 4:36 PM

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

thanks, pelle and hey, we were pretty excited, but it wasn't an easy task to locate them...we had to go out at midday and sit and wait to hear the pecking noise and follow it into the woods...and there they were...I can't believe they don't like my birdy buffet in the yard, but maybe when it gets colder they will take a hint from the other woodpeckers and come up near the house for tea time or something!

pelle, I was just reading one of your posts on another thread commenting that titmice are rare in your yard--that seems strange to me since you have so many other birds and titmice are (supposedly) breeding in NJ. ---Do you know why they aren't in your neighborhood?...just wondering...

Marlton, NJ

I don't know maybe all the House Finch??

I see them all the time at the Bird Shop thats closeby.

Maybe they'll come back in the Spring.

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