
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

When do you all plant your onions here?

Also I love those small flat Italian Cippolini onions. Will they grow here?


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi BB. I have been planting onions earlier and earlier. I started out mid to late March. The bulbs were very small. Last year I planted early march. Bigger bulbs but still not a good onion size. This year I've ordered plants to come in late Jan. and I'll be planting early Feb. I get short day varieties from Dixondale. Not sure about Cippolini. Hopefully Farmerdill or someone else in the know will see this and reply. I'm curious about dates too. I've often wondered if I should plant late fall.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

You all are a bit north of the onion growing region. The short day onions should be set (plants) in October to be well established to start bulbing in March. Cippolini are long day onions which began bulbing in June, If you have high enough elevation it may be cool enough in June when they begin bulbing. Too hot here.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't understand.

We cannot grow any onions or we should have planted way before now to get a good crop?


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

BB. I don't know your conditions. Long day onions are summer grown. They start bulbing up in June. Here that can be temps in triple digits and onions can't take that. So for me the best I can do with spring planted onions is green onions. The onion growing area in the Vidalia area use short day onions which are grown in the winter. That is why short day. They begin harvesting in late March and finish in early May. Most of the country north of Georgia will grow long day onions in the summertime.

March in Tattnall County

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Ok I get it now.

While we had some triple digit heat, our temps aren't consistently that high.

I did successfully get Walla Wallas to overwinter last year and I will plant some spring onions this year just to see what happens.


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