a link to the 'House of Climbers'

Hopkins, MN(Zone 4a)

Check out this link you clematis people! It blew me away to see so many climbers put on such a show on a premises of one single 'House'!!!


If you have links to other galleries like this pleees post them here. I am trying to choose some clematis(es-?) for planting this spring, and seeing them perform on a large scale like this surely helps. I'm about to start nagging my DH about moving to AZ, just for the sake of being able to do something like that.

Athens, PA

Hey Liz,

I saw this a while ago. I bought new dawn climbers last year and put them in on the side of my house and I had trumpet vines growing on my arbor - I pulled them out and put in a couple of climbing iceberg roses. I put in Dutchess of Albany and Betty Corning with my New Dawns to grow up the side of the house and I put in on the one side of my arbor, Clematis Viticella and Ville de Lyon and on the other side or the arbor are my type 2's - I have Carnaby, HF Young and Jon Pawel. Can't wait to see them this year. I have some clems in the back wintering over and I am seriously thinking about putting Perle D'Azure and Huldine to grown in with the new dawns.

I also had my water spout covered last year with netting - I put Ruutel on that and I have a huge trellis on the same side of the house as the water spout and the new dawns. That trellis has a red honeysuckle vine on it - I put in Clematis White Swan.

This should be their 'creep' year, so next year they should really leap! Can't wait!

The link you have was my initial inspiration!


Athens, PA


The picture attached shows an extra bonus - I have a couple of Stargazer Lilies planted in front of the fencing to the arbor with the Climbing Ice Berg Roses and the Clematis Viticella and Ville de Lyon. I had not planned this, but I really like it.


Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Lizzardance..the article is about Rosepersons gardens..she is a member of Gardenweb and lives in Michigan..not Arizona..She was my inspiration for my gardens when we moved into our new house 5 years ago..I've done "vertical" gardening like her with clematis and roses...he gardens are spectacular and inspirational!!...Jeanne

Hopkins, MN(Zone 4a)

OK, my bad. I thought she was from Arizona, because it went under Arizona West Valley Rose Society, so thanks for pointing out that she is from Michigan, Jeanne, - I guess I am in the same zone, so I think I'll tell my husband we can stay in MN.

Carolyn, thanks SO much for sharing your climbers combinations, - I'll look into those as I choose my plants.

There are two main challenges that I face as I delve into the world of vines (I've grown Jackmanii in the past, and I added honeysuckle Mandarin vine in the fall, but that's about it): 1. the eaves on the roof is about 1' wide, which creates conditions that are too shady and dry for most clematis ( I could deal with the dryness by installing some "plant nannies and watering more often, but the shade is harder to fight).

2. my biggest, front garden, which is on the steep north-east slope, I want to try to train some climbers on the huge 3-4 foot high boulders that were installed there when we re-landscaped last fall, by pulling some netting over the boulders, but I am not sure if that
has been done successfully before.

I also planted a few shrub roses this fall, and hoping to train some clematis onto those, and on my Contorted Filbert. I also have azaleas Mandarin Lights and Northern Lights. Does anyone know if they are good for paring up with the clems?

Thanks so much for you help everyone!
I am new to this, but have been reading up a lot on this forum, as I hope to do it right.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Todd Boland just wrote an article about those azaleas. He lives in Newfoundland so maybe he'd be the one to ask.

The netting over the boulder should work fine.

Hopkins, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks Pirl!
I tried to look him up by this name but nothing comes up. Would you happen to remember his DG username?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's the link: http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/index.php?offset=20

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