The FLOWERPOT Cafe' VI - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue,
You are going to be busy with the clean up operation. I'm so sorry for you, with all the hard work you have put into laying all the mulch and to see it all washed away must be awful.
Shame about the flowers! Hope you manage to stay dry!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh well Terry, it's been quite exciting really, and any excuse to be in the garden is welcome! Its only water.
Today, because its still raining, I'm going to tackle some much needed housework!
Wheres everyone else gone? Must be a holiday wekend in America or something!
Are you keeping warm terry? No letter yet?

london England, United Kingdom

Everyday I run down the stairs to check if the postman has been, nothing from Australia yet!!!
It has turned really cold, it's been nice staying in by the fire this weekend.! Apart from that, just catching up with housework and other boring chores!
Don't know where everyone is either! I heard from Karma, who is still suffering with sickness and can't seem to shake it off.
I'm just watching a gardening programme with Monty Don, who is touring in Australia! Lovely to see your plants on T.V. We are in Alice Springs desert park at the moment! The red sand is amaising, it's incredible what will grow in such harsh conditions.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone, I'm getting over the flu. Be back soon.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

oh, so its not the holiday season, but the flu season! Get well soon DG and Karma, and keep it too youselves!

london England, United Kingdom

oh dear, another sickie! sorry to hear that Adele, hope you feel better soon.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wish it was a holiday. Most of us are fightening a ne strain of flu. All this yo0yo weather has everybody coming down sick with the flu, sinus headaches and drippy noses.

We had a nice warm day here. felt good to get outside for a few and breath some frehs air and ty and unplug the sinuses and catch a few sun rays to boot.

We get a fe more days of warmth and might have a flower or two to bloom then it back to the cold again.

Hahahahah love the pics and the wellies. : )

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Have a bunch of soggy Salvias to cheer you up!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Hope everyone is feeling better. We had more snow again.>>>>>>>and again>>>>
I posted the results of my water/preservative/blossom experiment in the classroom.
The only blooms that I don't have to bring in from the store are my orchids. I have one phal in full bloom and 4 more with growing stalks.
Need flowers...may shovel my way out tomorrow.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

BACK FROM THE DARK SIDE. . .Morning everyone. Thank you for all the well wishes. This is the first time in my life that I was down for a whole week! Finally dragged myself to the doctor's yesterday. Dx with sinus infection. No wonder I felt like I got punched in the face. Got a nice steroid shot right on the arse and OMG, I feel soooo much better. Started my antibiotics and think I'm on my way to a wonderful recovery. Why did I put off going to the doc in the first place?? Probably didn't want that needle. . .pain in the butt.

Anyway, thanks so much for all the posts. . .I really enjoyed them despite my misery. Terri, your wellies are so cute. I have this image of all you Londoners walking in the rain in your cute raincoats and matching boots. . . oh yeah, and sipping tea.

Sue, your bromeliad garden is fantastic! So sorry about all that water. Does it ever get high enough to pose a threat to your home? I sure hope not. Are you still writing letters? That would be so cool to receive one from Australia through the mail. I have always wanted to buy pretty stationery, but never have anyone to write to. How much is postage anyway?

Okay, that's it for me now. My brain needs some rest. Talk to gals later.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Karma, I'd be happy to send a letter. Dmail me your address. I think it cost about $2 from this end. If I didn't put enough postage on, Terry will have to pay it at her end. LOL
The flood water is no threat to our home, but it's getting a bit mouldy and everything feels sticky or damp. URgH!
Glad you have had a shot in the Arse and are feeling better for it!
I'll try tomorrow for some plant material. I also want to read pupils flower class thread. I started and then nran out of time. I seem to be spending more and more time answering posts. Maybe I talk to much!
On that note, Bye.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

Karma, glad to have you back! Sometimes we need a kick up the backside to go the the doctors! Good job you did seeing as you had an infection.

Marcia, hello! nice to see you in the cafe. Thanks for the flower experiments, useful information for us. Keep warm.

Star, we are missing you and your ideas at the flower club! How is the studying going?

Sue, Thanks for the soggy salvias. no letter yet! Has it stopped raining?

Adele, hope you are getting over the flu, miss your lovely arrangements.

Who's turn is it to put the kettle on and make a brew?!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Running thru!!

I'll get another thread started tonight. Terri, I don't have time to make the brew!!

Much more later.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci,
Oh my goodness! moving to a new cafe is such a frenzy!! What am I going to do? I don't have any flowers, the tables will be bare. You know how we like to have fresh flowers in the FLOWERPOT cafe everyday.

I wonder if interflora deliver to cyberspace?!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Whew! There went my new hairdo with Pupil doign the ten second dash running thru. LOL

I cramming exams and tryign to transplant babies. Afer next thursday will have some surprises to show ya. And no I not telling. Ya gotta just wait and see.

We got storms supposed to be coming in again and wil have to unplug til it over.

Here a bed I did at the local college maybe ya all might liek to see. Pansies and delphiums which folks said couldnt grow down here.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star,
Wow, you did a great job with the flower bed at college. It must really brighten the place up walking through.
I don't seem to have any luck with delphiniums, the slugs get to them every time I grow them.
Good luck with your exams! I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours.
I'm looking forward to after next thursday, say no more!
Hope you stay warm and dry and the storms don't do damage.

Hi everyone else and lurkers!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello, I did it. Its a platter for the cafe, a free for all, or pot luck, or whatever you want to call it.
I started with a bed of Sphagnum, placed a piece of driftwood on, placed Rhoeo (complete with roots) into the hole in the wood (big hole, they sit nice and roots in the sphagnum) the "elephant ear" plant is called Xanthasoma or Pocket plant, or mickey mouse taro. It is in a small jar also filled with spagnum moss and water.
Then there is sansevieria trifascata, or Mother-in-laws tonge. I have cut it and pushed it into some florist foam, spread around more sphagnum moss and draped Tillandsia usneoids, or Spanish Moss all around.
Then I placed it in position and topped the whole thing up with water. The Spanish moss will last awhile, as will the Rhoeo and Sansevieria, but the Elephant ears will be the first to go i reckon.
Chow down! Its good for colds apparently, (oh and sinus)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful platter Sue! I love the colors and textures and height variations. I really envy your Australian garden.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

ww--Lovely arrangement. Will try to get some plants at store and add some pretties too.
We had another 12" of snow yesterday...had a fellow clean the driveway and sidewalks after I dug out the cars..OOFF..I am too old for this. Then the snowplow came through and pushed a foot of snow behind my car...gonna floor my car and go and and...maybe get plants instead of planting my foot in someones behind!!!
Sorry about the grouching..the old bones aching today.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.

Sue, your platter is a very modern design, lovely. Like Karma said, the colours and textures you have used work really well together. Thankyou, it looks great in our cafe.
Karma, it's nice to see you back, hope you have recovered properly!
Marcia, poor you snowed in! I hope the weather improves for you soon.

I've had a busy week with work, thankfully it's friday!!
I'll be back with some fresh flowers later.
Have a good day everyone, and a relaxing weekend!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,
Thank you all for your well wishes. I'm finally feeling better but now my brother is very ill. Just wanted to say hi and when everything calms down I'll be back.
Star, I love your bed of pansies and delphiums. Good job!!

Sue, thanks for the platter. I was feeling a bit hungry :) It's very pretty, You have a wonderful sense of form. I think your arrangements reflect your free spirit. That's good.

Karma, I'm glad you're feeling better. I too waited to go the doctor.Why did I wait so long? I think it's called denial:)

Hi Terri! Haven't done the color wheel yet because I was out all week but I'll let you know how it goes.

Hi Pupil, Hi Marcia

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey all. Looks like "tonight" meant a few nights later. I don't have time to do a new thread now, but PROMISE to get one tomorrow.

Star, how did ya'll fare with the storms? I slept right through it, but 3 people were killed in Moulton, near my hometown. I hope all is well with you. Love the bed you did. I am thrilled to see the delphinium. I have seeds for it, but was told it wouldn't do well with the humidity. I am going to give it a go.

Karma and Dig, glad ya'll are feeling better. Teensy has had 2 ear infections and now I think she is getting another. She is with Grandi (my mom) and running a temp. Looks like a new set of tubes are in order. Poor baby!!

Marcia, I sooo feel for you, girl. I could not imagine having to deal with that amount of snow and PEOPLE on top of it. Grouch is not the appropriate word to describe what I would be acting like. lol

Weeds, I LOVE it. The Micky Mouse taro is one I have been looking for. Great job.

Terri, missed ya, girlfriend. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello all, nice to see everyone back!
Thanks for the compliments. I felt we needed something in the cafe as you all were "snowed under" so to speak *chuckle*
Hey Adele, I hope all is ok with your brother! It sounded serious. All the best!
Hi Terry, missing your arrangements and inspiration.
Hi Marcia, nice to meet you and hope you're thawing out.
Hi Pupil, Hope your teensy is feeling fine and glad the storm has passed. We lost a neighbours nephew in our recent floods last week. Silly boy was playing in the raging creek and got washed out to sea! Very sad. I have lots of Mickey mouse taro here. Am i allowed to send you some or is there quarantine stuff, and would it travel o.k? It's probably cheaper to get it there than to pay postage. Australia post are burglars!
Its been sunny for two days and my DH was very accomadating this weekend and allowed me to do whatever I wanted, and made himself available to help. Next week end is plant sale, but I have embarked on a new obsession, BROMELIADS! I have got stuck in to the many pots bulging at the sides and re-potted many which i hope to sell next month (too soon for next weekend) anyway, this is becoming a rather long story, but hope to see you all around this week with some nice flowers and ideas! Don't forget your valentine arrangement for thursday! I might splash out and purchase flowers
Off to check the forums.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi everyone.

Adele, glad you're feeling better and hope your brother gets well soon. My father was in the hospital this week with pneumonia and finally released yesterday. Traci, poor Teensy. Hope she doesn't have to get tubes, but if that'll make her feel better, then so be it. Sue, so sad about the little boy. Hope this is the last of all the sad news this week.

I am just coming out of our 3-day Chinese New Year celebration. It started Thursday and ended Saturday. Thank goodness it's over. . .it's been so busy around here with all the family get-togethers. Now Valentines is approaching and I still don't have Star's arrangement. Hope you've come up with something great to sell, Star.

Well gotta go now. Bringing Peyton by for a little visit in his traditional clothing.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.
It has been a bad week! Hope everyone is feeling better now.

Adele, I hope your brother recovers very soon. Thanks for popping in to let us know.

Traci, missed you too! My sister in law came to stay for a couple of nights, sorry I haven't been around much!
Life just gets in the way of our flowers sometimes!!!!! Hope Teensy gets well soon.

Karma, I'm so pleased to hear your Dad is out of hospital, you must have been worried sick.
Peyton! hello gorgeous boy! in your smart clothes, Thankyou for bringing your handsome son to the cafe Karma.

Sue, guess what arrived???? yay! my letter. Thankyou so much, it was lovely to recieve a letter from you all the way from Australia. Gosh, you have such an interesting life, my reply will be seem so boring!! Love the flower stamps! I was only joking, I hope you didn't have to go out of your way to find them.
I enjoyed your platter, very tasty, although the mother in laws tounge was a bit tough!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hi I'm back!
When my sister in law came to stay we went to town, I got some lovely flowers, they are south african, a mountain mix.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I haven't decided what to make with them yet, so I just made a collar with laurel leaves and placed them in a vase of water for now.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci,
This one's for you! Just incase you call in late tonight to move us to our new cafe.
Traci cocktail, Cheers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

AHHHHHHH! What pretty flowers. They so pretty it like one sip and you could be flyign high on the intoxicating smell.

Are those poppies or anemone, or am I wrogn on both counts?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star,
Thankyou, yes they are anemone. There seems to be alot of different colours of them in the shops at the moment.
Has the weather settled with you? It's been quite mild here lately, I'm not fooled though, in a couple of days it could be freezing again!
Hi everyone else, hope you are all ok.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

They very pretty. I have a few different colored ones, but they haven't come yet this year. I hope they do, I enjoyed them. Think I had a blue and a white and a red one. Had foudn some bulbs being discontinued and said what the heck let me get a couple and shared a few and planted the rest.

What other colors are there?

The weather here finally settled, but it hasn't made up it's mind yet. Somewhat warm durign the day , but freezing tems still at night. MY back killing me from trying to put plants out to get sunshine durign the day and bring back in durign the evenign and night so they don't freeze. gets to be a chore after awhile. I sure once thinsg start really growign and blooming it wil be a different story.

london England, United Kingdom

you could be right! I have only seen red, purple and white!! just lots of them.
It's horrible when your plants become a chore to take out and bring in. I would leave them in!!!!
I got some new Gladioli and Iris bulbs, some Dahlia tubers and Liatris corms. I'll start the dahlias off in the greenhouse, otherwise they just get eaten before they grow by the slugs!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

How nice. ya go tsome new babies! I forget which thread I was reading someplace on one of the threads about using snadpaper aroudn the bottom of yoru stands and I wonder if putting sanpaper out aroudn in a tiny strip by the plants on the groudn would get them nasty slugs.

london England, United Kingdom

ha ha ha! I've heard it all now, well I didn't know that! sandpaper! when it rains it will be soggy! my slugs will slime over it I'm sure.
Got some more goodies....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A couple of climbing roses.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I FINALLY did it. Here is the link to the new Cafe'!!!

Terri, those are wonderful additions. I will post some of mine on the next thread, after I take some pics. I have gone flower batty!! Love the anomones and we have those here at our Lowes and HD. I must get some.

Hey Star, I am with you on the weather. I do exactly the same thing!! It takes up about 2 hours everyday to do so. Add to the fact I have got to Neem everything for spider mites, as I have lost two plants to them. UGH!!

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