The FLOWERPOT Cafe' VI - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I didn't know that about purple, cuz purple one of my favorite colors , but i learne d that purple is a sign of intellegence , and royalty.

Welcome home and glad you enjoyed your trip. Fun and sun sure sounds good about now.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow, I go away for a bit and everyone get chatty. Do I bring the cafe' down? :^)

Dig, dig the wreath!!

The turnip sisters are fantastic. Please try to book them again soon.

Terri, your arrangements are amazing. What is the purple flower with the daffs?

Weed, well at least you got to identify weeds lol.

I have not even had time to read the next lesson yet. I passed the first test with flying colors (it was history of flowers and floral jobs. Just had to memorize). I will get to the next lesson this week. I REALLY need some quality flower time. Starting work is for the birds. I need to play with flowers!!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Pupil, Thank you,
I say the revolution should begin now.No more work only Flower Power!!! :)

london England, United Kingdom

Good afternoon everyone!
Sorry, I was too cream crackered (knackered) to call in last night! Mondays are hectic for me this term at work!

Sue, I guess you are busy catching up with gardening work, it's the price you pay for gallivanting away on camping trips!!!! the weeds don't stop growing. Hope you had a great time, and your coffee is here whenever you are!

Thankyou Adele! yeah... FLOWER POWER!!!

Star, They seem to use purple alot for funerals !! Anyway, I like purple!!!!!

Traci, Traci, dear friend, how could you possibly bring the cafe' down? We love you calling in and wish you would more often dear! The purple flower is Anemone. I knew it was you lurking on saturday night when the turnips sisters were here! You left your handbag in the ladies room.
I also have 2 more bags in lost property, no-one has claimed them yet.

Anyone seen Karma? It's her turn to nominate at the flower club! otherwise you'll have to put up with another one of my themes!!! so hurry up girlie!! (miss you)! How's Peyton? I have a special Winnie the pooh cup for him when you bring him to the cafe next.

Traci,... your bag!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Terri, Adele, Star and Pupil. Yes, tired and weary from work. Just home for a shower and an anti-histamine as some creepy crawley got me and I'm out in hives and scratching like a mongrel dog!
Will try to find a little something delightful to bring in for afternoon tea. Very hot here and humid (rained this morning) Lots of spiders and bugs, also saw python yesterday. I'm feeling a bit warey about gardening right now!
Just don't call me a red neck!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

OOCH, that looks really angry. Poor Sue, what we gonna do with ya?!! living amonst all the creepy crawlies and snakes!!
Something delightful for tea? that sounds brilliant, can't wait.
Bed time for me, so I'll see you tomorrow,
hope you manage to have a comfortable night,and it gets better soon.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Tezza.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I love the purple tulips. Please use those throughout all designs now, Terri. And brown sugar!!

Oh Crikey, Sue. I hate that for you. I would say that is the down side of the Tropics, but here in Alabama, home of the true Red Necks, we have our fair share. Black widows, brown recluses, cotton mouths, and water moccasins. Throw in a scorpion every once in a while just in case you start to get to comfy with the others. Hope you feel better soon. Soak in a nice oatmeal bath.

Well, it has been quite eventful this evening. I was entering the very last number on a spreadsheet and the transformer outside blew. It was like a UFO was out there. Yep, lost the spreadsheet, 2 hours work. But worse, I had put all my plants outside to play in the rain. Forgot about the babes and let them brave the unbelieveable winds.

I realized what I did and ran down to put them back in their warm basement/greenhouse, or so I thought. Me, a woman who has worked in construction since the day she was born, cannot find the ONE breaker that is tripped, which incidently goes to the garage. The doors won't close and the heater won't work. So, the "former office" of the former had recently been cleaned out and turned into a coleus room. Now it is a jungle and I have only brought 3 boxes up. Only 6 or 10 more to go. It is suppose to get below freezing so I can't let them suffer anymore down there. If you can't find me, one of the copperheads slithered out of the forest I am in and got me.

I am soooo tired.

Well, got that off my chest. Later guys and dolls

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning everybody!

Well heck, you will fit right in with us rednecks down here. LOL I feel for ya. I got sevral bite son my neck from who knows what the other day out rakign leaves. drive sme crazy cuz i gotta scatch until they bleed, then i gotta scratch the scabs and then come summer I have little white spots from the scars that don't tan.

I was racing the other night too, tryign to get babies in that I had put out to try and get a bit of real sunshine and a sprinkle of rain. Was having a real tiem of it cuz a place wher ei had a slew of big pots of floweers growing, I had to move out of there and now they throwed on pallets with a plastic tent over them , so hope they make it. Was 19F yesterday orning and when it warms up a tad tofay gotta go check them. Almost afraid of what I gonan find. Probably a bunch of mush.

I been sittign in this almanac book tryign to figure out if the worst is over. That the bad thing about living here in the south, alot fo things don't go totally dormant and so they more at risk for being croaked off. We actually don't get a break from tending flowers like snow countries do. They go to sleep in the snow and ya forget about til spring. here it cover, ucover, cover, ucover and cry when ya forget a bunch.

Congrats on your test Pupil. Wanna come take a couple for me?

london England, United Kingdom

Who's Tezza?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheeky! how's the ichyitus today?

Chillax Traci, slow down honey!!

Hi Star, don't scratch! no good telling you though, you're still gonna do it!
Football tonight...(stop yawning Sue)!
Anyone seen Karma yet?

I'll call in later to give the football scores, ok Sue?!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I just saw Traci, with the most delicious looking chocolate dessert, hope she brings some over here for us!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hint, Hint, Terri.

Star, the Almanac says we are in for some more in Feb, but warming sooner in March than usual. Hope it is right.

Will these work?

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Sue, I hope you're feeling better. That rash looks angry.

Thanks for the desserts. I'm in the mood for some sweets.

Pupil, I think you can turn your story into a lifetime movie.:) I hope all your plants are well

Hi Star and Karma

london England, United Kingdom

I hate football.

I'm going to make something with my flowers to cheer myself up, after I've eaten all the cakes, thanks Traci.
Hi Adele.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

So the scores weren't that good huh Terri? (munch munch, eating fairy cakes)
Hi all, and thanks for the well wishes. All good now, just a little raw from scratching, but no broken skin (lucky me, no scabs to pick) LOL. One of my customers is so sick of the bities that she wears a burka on her head, tucked into a lycra body suit. Then has garden clothes over that. She looks halarious! That'd get too hot for me and I'd end up with heat stroke knowing my luck!
Adele, I have plans to write a letter tonight and get it in the post, but I will let you know when I send. If anyone else would like a letter, D-mail me with your address. It's so rare to get a letter in the post theses days!
Ohhh, pupil, are they profiteroles? Mmmmm, I'm a bit partial to chocolate. It's just what I needed to pick me up. Although I just had Terri's fairy cakes, but I'm sure I can squeeze in just one more delectable treat!
Hey Star, I can't believe you go to so much trouble, only because I don't have the same conditions. If I did, I'd probly be the same, but I'm glad I don't and don't have to. I am very lucky here in the sub-tropics, and only have to protect plants from fungal attack and bugs! ( *bl*%#y F^@#$n bugs*)
The only bugs I like are bees and butterflies, oh and assasin bugs, and worms, oh oh and dragon flies, and lady bugs.......

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Sue, that's gorgeous! Love the addition of the butterfly with the budliea.(good idea)!
What are the tiny white flowers? like the shape and the colours are lovely and fresh.
Thankyou for cheering me up!

P.S. I want a letter! please.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ho, Ho! Tezza wants a letter! Dmail me your address and I'll write one.
The white flowers are off my chives/onions. They last for ages, even without water!
I'd better go back to work. I cant get motivated in this heat, to go mow lawns! Its 29C out, but the humidity is the stinker!
I'll be back tonight. (8 hours or so)

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Sue, oh and please make sure you put a pretty flower stamp on it!!!

My chive flowers are purple, I like the white ones, very pretty. I think I'll grow some and put them under my roses this year. Is it an old wives tale that they keep the greenfly away? or fact?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Not sure Terry, but I think you have to cut or crush them now'n'then as its the stink that repels the bugs! So cutting the flowers off is a good thing, and at least they won't seed everywhere. I have the purple ones too, are they garlic chives?
Yes your letter has pretty flower stamps for goodness sake! If I could stick an arrangement in it I would, but you KNOW thats not possible, so don't ask! Sheesh! Its hard to please some people.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning Everyone!
Sue,Glad to hear you're feeling better. The only bugs I hate are the water bugs that think they can live in my apartment. They flip me out with their extra long antennae and ugh, I can't even write about them.
It's so nice to see fresh pretty flowers from your garden. They cheer me up before going to work.
I saw an interesting show last night about all the different types of parrots that live in Australia. Brooklyn also has parrots called monk parrots. They were released by accident in the 70's and have been thriving here ever since.

Hi Terri, What art project are you going to do today?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Dropping by before running out the door. I LOVE THE ARRANGEMENT, Weed!

I love writing and getting letters as well!! I will D-mail my address later tonight.

Sorry so short,

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Sue, I thought the purple ones were just ordinary chives!

Hi Adele,
Art project today, well I'm working on ' The Colour Wheel'. (great for flower arrangers) it really helps with colour combinations.

Painting a colour wheel.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Primary colours, Red ,Yellow, blue, cannot be made by mixing any colours together.

Secondary colours, Violet, green, orange, These colours are made by mixing primary colours

Tertiary colours, Red&violet , blue&violet, blue&green,yellow&green, yellow&orange, red&orange. These colours are made by mixing primary and secondary.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Colour wheel collage, layering transparent coloured papers. Framed with white feathers.

This collage can be made using fabrics, paints, cut out pictures from magazines, tissue papers or any other junk collected!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Moving on to creating a low relief collage, using only 2 complementary colours, in this case red and green.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel.

Art lesson over!!!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I love the projects and I love how you did them!! I'm going to do the color wheel and the complimentary colors collage with my students. Thanks for the ideas!!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele, glad to be of help!

Evening everyone!
Hope everyone is ok and you've all had a good day.

Karma sends her hello's from her sick bed. Get well soon Karma!

I'm bringing in some tulips I got from Belle's last night, lovely condition! I can recommend our own florist shop on cut flowers. Belle's .

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

windy tulips

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tulips!! Fantastic manipulation. I have been staring at them for ten minutes. BRAVO!!

Your flower art is wonder full. I have a color wheel computer program. I use to use a handheld, but the floral class provided one on the computer. It is great. You can pick the color, manipulate it to exactly what you want and then it will give you the complimentry, monocromatic and triads that go with it. Pretty nifty.

Karma, thinking about you dear. Hate you are sick and little Peyton too. Sending you virtual chicken soup.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

hello all. Thanks for the kudos on my arrangement.
Terry, tulips are one of those flowers that are very hard to come by here, as they are grown in the far south. In spring we can get pots of them, but at an exhorbitant price!
Its stinking hot again, so I finished work early and went to the local Orchid and Bromeliad house. *bad sue, bad, no, no, no....* and bought 2 Bromeliads for my collection. They had 20% off so it only cost me $21 all up. It's a a bargain, as I have done my homework and know how much the particular broms I chose normally sell for! They are in the garage and I will be taking them up to the bromeliad garden shortly. i will get a pic and post it later.
Get well Karma and little man. No one likes being sick and we all know how yukky you must be feeling! Plenty of rest and drink lots of water.
Hey pupil, no dmail from you yet. Do you want a letter or what?
Nice colour wheel terry. I hadn't thought of it that way. I just pick a bunch of stuff, hold it in one hand and if it doesn't look nice, I put it aside for the next arrangement. But we all know I'm super dooper lucky, because i have so much material. I wish I could send you all some.
See you tonight

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Thanks Traci!
There seems to be an abundance of tulips in the shops at the moment.

Hi Sue,
Have you tried growing tulips? I'd love to see your new Bromeliads. I can't resist a bargain myself!!
Lets see, this week these items followed me home from the shops!
3 poyanthus, 1 Hyacinth, 1 winter cherry, tulips, daffs, oh and a couple of vases!

Roses and Rosemary, get well soon karma!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

my new Brom Neoregelia "Predator"

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

and Vriesia "Heiroglyphica"

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

That second one will grow quite large eventually and get a big sword shaped flower.
These are most of my potted Bromeliads, although I do have a couple of pots scattered around, and a smattering planted out in the garden.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Here, it is rain, rain, rain. Did some sleeping, eating, more sleeping, more eating, and then for a drive in the bush, and out in the country to look at houses and gardens (in the rain) then mor eating *burp*
Sorry terry, I forgot to get back to you about the arrangement. It had variegated shell ginger leaves, Salvia "Bonfire" flowers, Coleus "Frogs foot" leaves and some yellow Grevillea flowers. It was very hard to arrange them, as the opening in the watering can was one sided and everything kept leaning. I put Oasis in, but it was still quite a trick! I think the grevillea flowers will have passed by now, although I did the boiling water trick. If it still looks half decent tomorrow I'll get a close up. Unfortunately, I think it will be too wet to gather any material for anything over the next few days, but as soon as I can, I will bring in another table topper for the Cafe. I hope everyone is healthy and happy,

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
Thanks Sue, great selection. You have made a great job with the pathways for our cafe garden, wanna be our resident gardener?!!

Back later after the football.
I'm looking for a couple of volunteers to help with some small table arrangements and candles for tonights entertainment at the cafe!

Edited to say ...Please!

This message was edited Feb 2, 2008 8:24 PM

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well its still raining here terry and everything is looking like a wet rag. Maybe a neoregelia (bromeliad) flower will do as a table piece?
We had another 108mm overnight and it still hasn't stopped! Have you got a bucket for my umbrella and a place to leave my wet boots?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue,
Thankyou, that's a lovely one for a table centre.
I have a place to put your boots, over here next to my wellies!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

oh I wish I had thought of that. Another 80mm of rain at 2pm this arfternoon. The whole neighbourhood was out inspecting the floods, as the creeks and dams all burst their banks. Alot of mulch has gone down the drain! I've done a quick check but will have to have a proper look tomorrow. It's still raining and predictions are for another week! No mowing tomorrow. I've got no flowers left in the garden I'm afraid, but plenty of foliage. may get something made tomorrow.
Soggy Sue
PS, garden at side fence

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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