The FLOWERPOT Cafe' VI - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lve the plant sale pic. Makes ya itch for spring even more and being able to get out and breat some nice crisp frehs air. Thinking I need to go to Australia in the winters , here in the cool spring and then pop over Terri's way for a nice relaxing and not to hot of summer.

Really dumb question here, but what is a Zen arrangement. I think I missed somethign somewhere ?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone. Dropping in for a quick cuppa and then I have Teensy for the rest of the week. You all have a good one and I will try to check in.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Star, I requested Zen for this week's flower club theme. I should have said asian influenced design, which leaves more room for interpretation. Does that help? Sue made one that is gorgeous. Her set up followed that theme as well.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
Hope you are all keeping warm and cosy.
Have a great week with teensy Traci.
Star, Thanks to Karmaplace we have a link to the flower club, Hope to see you there!

I intend to go flower shopping in my lunchbreak tomorrow, this cafe needs some fresh flowers!!!!!!!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Fresh flowers for the cafe, Terri. Just bringing back the daffodil tea special.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh, thank you, I was in the mood for some daffodil tea. How pretty!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Karma, that works really well too!
Terri, Choko is a vine that grows all over the chookyard and produces a pear shaped light green Fruit/vege. It doesn't have much taste, but can be added to apples when stewing and will absorb the flavour. It is the same consistency when stewed, when steamed it is more like Zuchinni, and you can bake it too. Apparently you can stem it and serve it in Pear juice, and no one will be any the wiser! LOL Did you get your flowers?
This is another bunch with the left overs from my raid in the garden.
Cosmos, blown down by the wind, Centaurea (Grey leaves) Coleus, (burgundy leaves), Vervain? Yellow daisies (?) and more burgundy leaves from Alternanthera. And White flowering chives

This message was edited Jan 23, 2008 4:22 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,
Lovely fresh arrangements! Thankyou, it makes the visit to the cafe exciting and it smells lovely in here!
Does anyone grow the chocolate cosmos? it realy smells of chocolate!
Have a good day tomorrow, I'm going flower shopping! didn't have time today.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

Karma, love the way you made the teapot shape!
Sue, thanks for explaining choko! Cosmos is a great flower and easy to grow, funny seeing them from your garden at this time of year! You've got a lovely selection of foliage there.

Here's a little red vase with red sweetheart roses, bear grass loops and gold wire.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Very nice Terri. I wonder if there is bear grass over here? I noticed the florist in town has closed down. I wonder why?
I pruned a tree for a lady today and she called it "Mt Morgan wattle". I havent googled it yet, but I thought it looked like "Argyle Apple" which is the florists Eucalypt, so I've got a sink full of it. It looks as though it might be about to flower, so I left some branches on as I am going back over the next 2 weeks to garden. I bought 3 oasis blocks today and saw many nice vases and vessels, but resisted the urge. (pat myself on the back)
I'm not sure what to do as it is pouring rain since this afternoon (feel webs growing between my toes) so I don't have any material to put with it. I might just put it in a vase on its own anyway. We'll see how long it lasts. Both previous arrangements have survived well, and I have refreshed the water each day.
I am off camping, (rain, hail, or shine) tomorrow as it is a long weekend over here, with australians celebrating "Australia day" on Monday. Traditionally lots of BBq's and drinking at the beach, camping e.t.c. Being so wet, it will make things interesting. So don't despair if I'm not around. Have a coffee without me and I hope to see lots of nice interesting arrangements when I get back.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Sue, Have fun camping!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Adele. I got you some stencils today, but I want to write you a letter and put some pickies in it first, but won't get to it till next week, but I haven't forgotten you!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

You're the best. Thank you so much!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, have a great weekend camping whatever the weather! I don't know abour bear grass in Australia, but you can use phornium leaves and shred them into ribbons, and use like bear grass.

Hi everyone!
The sun is shinning here today, which makes a nice change. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
I'll be back in a while with some fresh tea and coffee..... yippy I got new tea and coffee pots!!

london England, United Kingdom

Rose tea for the evening crowd.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Roses and Chrysanths coffee pot.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the lovely tea terri!

Sue, I really envy you for all the flowers and foliage (that Centaurea would have been great for a winter wedding) that you have in your garden. I want to have my own house soooooooo bad.

Really great news today. . .I have a wedding job in April! I'm so excited to do a spring wedding. Color is ocean blue. . .I see light blue hydrangeas so far. . .but trying to think of complimentary colors. Any ideas anyone?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Congratulations Karma! I'm sure you'll do a beautiful job.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

That great news Karma!!!!!! I sure it gonna be beautiful. Says alot about your talent. That th eone thing brides really have to put alot of trust in is their florist. Them and them flowers are all on display for all the friends and family to see and preserved forver in photographs.

Love the tea pots, but having a hard time finding a coffee refill. I was kicking myself this morning. I had cut some gernres to try and play with and with all the junk in my car I had forgotten to bring them in last night. When I went out this morning, they was fozen solid like a brick. Ice gerbers. I put them in water and left for school and when I got home, I went to look fo rthem to play with and yuck what a mess. when they was fozen solid they was still pretty and looked fresh picked. when they thawed they rotted and turned brown. I had a mice musy mess to clean up.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Adele! Thanks Star! I have a friend who sends all her family to me. My first spring wedding!

Sorry to hear about your gerbers Star. It's rainy and cold down here. . .not sure how cold it's gonna be tomorrow, but I sure don't envy your weather right now.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Terry, Hip Hip Hooray!! I am so happy for you on the new tea pots!! I also love the rose bowl.

Star, Ice Gerbers, lol. Great play on words. Sorry for the loss.

Karma, I know you are on cloud nine. Congrats!! You will do fantastic. When are you going to get that license?? I definitely see some type of "bell shaped flowers". Of course, I don't know the names of any. lol. Little white bells. Also, I love ranculous? and it comes in so many colors. I actually just bought some from HD. Now just to have a yard to put them in.

london England, United Kingdom

Good morning everyone!
Hey Karma, that is great news! I'll have a look in my wedding mags and see if there is anything suitable with your colours in mind.
Sorry to hear about the gerberas Star, never mind! coffee refill on it's way!
Hi Traci, nice to see you, We missed you last week!
The sun is shinning again,2 days in a row, so I'm going to venture out into the garden to see whats happening!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,
Hi Terri, Such beautiful bouquet of daffodils and congratulations on getting new teapots. I see you're using them well.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
I thought maybe the cafe could use a little wreath to welcome people as they come in to visit.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's an improved wreath for the cafe. My friend, Jen, came over and gave me a few floral arranging tips.

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

Oh Lovely! Adele, it's a beautiful welcome wreath. We do look after the place don't we?!!!
It is so elegant! lovely colour scheme and the ribbon is a pretty finishing touch. Thankyou so much!!
Thanks to Jen too.
I love nice suprises like this.!

I'll be back later to show you something I found in the garden today.

Fresh tea anyone?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much, Terri. I thought you might get a kick out of it.
I would love some of your beautiful tea!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Adele, glad you enjoyed it
Look I found snowdrops!!!! maybe the garden is starting to wake up a little bit.

some white bells for you Traci!.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow.. The Cafe has fresh coffee and lots of beautiful new arrangements. What a beautiful sight to see.

Terri! Love the daffodils. I do so enjoy seeing them. Stil have a couple of months before my few ones wake up. Ah so springy in here.

Doigger. Love your wreath. Very elegant and welcoming. Would look lovely hanging here. ; ) LOL Your gettign better and better. : )

How precious. Little snowbells! : ) What a welcome sight to see. : )

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star, Thankyou!
I was so suprised to see the snowdrops so early. Quite a few things were starting to emerge!.
Isn't our wreath just so welcoming! good idea to put it there Star, shows it off really well!

Entertaining us in the cafe this evening with songs from ....

The Turnip sisters

Thumbnail by terriculture
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Pupil, you have dmail.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

The turnip sisters were wonderful and so cute. Maybe they can come back next week.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL... Sitting here chocking on my coffee when I got a look at the Turnip sisters. Hahahahah that so funny. : )

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele and Star,
Hey, I'm so pleased the Turnip sisters went down well last night. They are busy on tour and we were lucky to have them here in our cafe!!!

This cafe is a mess today, better get on with the tidying up....
I found some handbags in the ladies room. Please contact lost property if you forgot your bag last night!!

Thyme, Anemone, Daffs.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh, I wasn't saying you two made any mess, it was the lurkers!!!
Handbags have not been collected yet!

Hope Sue is having a fine time camping!

Fresh coffee.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh that sure is pretty!!!!!!!!!! : ) Ya know your all so bad with yoru arrangements, cuz I se e them then I want to grow the flowers so I cna make the same ones.

I gonan ask a stuipd question here. Are those mums or Dahlias in the tea pot. Did they come with the prupel tiny on them or did you do that?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Star, Thankyou, if it helps to get ideas then thats good! I'm just enjoying myself here.
The white flowers are Chrysanths and they came like that with a purple spray on them. They do look like Dahlias though!

Karma, I know purple means sadness in your culture, but honestly, I'm not sad today!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I'm back! Wonderful arrangements all and glad your garden is waking up Terri! Your wreath is lovely too Adele. The roses are incredible!
Camping was good. Lovely weather, (a bit of patchy rain on the first day) great scenery, great river and beach, ate lots, drank wayyyyyy too much and had some good conversations with our fellow campers.
I had some withdrawals though, and there was nothing much horticultural about except for identifying weeds!
Anyway, I'm home now and have found all my previous arrangements have survived even though we have rather high summer temps!
I'm off to check out my garden and make sure its o.k. (nice to see I had my priorities right after cheking up on you lot first)
I'll drop in for a longer coffee later on.

london England, United Kingdom

Good morning Sue,
Glad to hear you had a fun weekend, nice to have you back though!!
Have a good day everyone.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good morning all,
Sue,Glad to hear you had a fun. I can't wait to go camping again.I'm glad you like the wreath,thank you. Too bad you missed the turnip sisters performing their little hearts out.
Terri, I love the purple and white combination. The combination is striking and beautiful.

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