The FLOWERPOT Cafe' VI - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

2008 has started off with a bang. New faces from so many places makes for a wonderful cafe'. Glad to see all the old patrons here as well. Let's keep this wonderful cafe' "blooming" with beauty, from both flowers and friends, and hopefully new customers throughout the year.

Have a seat, join us for a cuppa or two and hope you enjoy your visit!

We came from here

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the new link. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Star, that is lovely. What is that foliage. I have seen it before and love it!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Traci! Thanks for starting a new thread. Hi Star, I like your sunflower arrangement. I've always thought sunflowers look great with eucalyptus (?).

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, welcome to the flowerpot cafe!

Thankyou Traci for doing the link. I know what Star's foliage is!!!

Star, Thankyou for bringing in such a cheerful arrangement, perfect to brighten up the cafe with spring colours.
Nice placement using the large flower's at the bottom.

I am bringing in a low arrangement for the coffee table in the lounge. Please have a seat and check out our magazine rack!

Carnation buds, carnations, roses ,alstromera, carnation stems and diamond pins.

Hi Karma, Snap!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Yay!! Karma's back, with an arrangement. Stunning I might add. It is eucalyptus. Thanks for jogging the brain. Mom has it growing at her house. I bet it drys well. I will have to find out and get some.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Awww, thanks Traci. Terri, excellent design! Love how you used the buds. Amazing!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma and Traci!

Very pretty arrangement Karma, what a nice suprise! Love the way you have looped the bear grass.
snap again!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Awesome shot Terri! It's like a big burst of color. SNAP SNAP SNAP

london England, United Kingdom

Night night! awww and thanks!!

Chillax! Rosie Gourd's sister has come to work here!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I started a post and Dh cmae and ebay'd and now I'm back, starting alllllllllll over!
Hello everybody, beautiful arrangements as always! I love the looped grass Karma, I'll definitely use that method somewhere down the track.
Hi TC, Gourd you're clever!
That Eucalyptus, I just bought one to put in the garden to use with flowers. My Mum used to make us chew a leaf every sunday before church (don't know why)
Here are the Frangipani flowers, floating in a bowl with pink Allamanda flowers, good old xanadu leaves and Frangipani leaves. I thought it needed something else, but can't think of anything, so decided to stop before i cluttered it all up.
Comments and critisisms happily recieved.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Good Morning Sue,
Thankyou ! I love Eucalyptus but I wouldn't fancy eating it!!! poor you.
Thankyou for the beautiful flower's this moring! What a treat before I have to face the miserable weather outside today! what beautiful flowers and foliage, I'm not sure if the leaves are stealing the show when it should be the frangipani!! (nice shinny leaves by the way)! did you use leaf shine?
I would place only 1 xanadu leaf on the water and add the flowers amongst it or maybe cut slits in the frangipani leaves and add some flowers through. Only my suggestions!... but still, you did a great job.
Thankyou for joining in with your arrangement, it's lovely to see.
Happy gardening, (lucky you)!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

The leaves are shiny because it was raining when I picked them, so I wiped them over with a cloth!
So I tried a new one with added Dracaena leaves. The Frangis won't last as lone because they are not in contact with the water, but hey, theres more where they came from. If it wasn't so wet, I'd go get more Allamandas, but it's also dark and spooky outside!
I'm off to bed but will be back tomorrow.
Have a cuppa for me.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh, oh, Oh one more before bed! I know there is alot of green. I like greeen!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning !

What a great surprise to wake up to such beautiful floral arrangements. Thanks for the show.

Hi Karma, That arrangement is so beautiful and graceful. Get your certificate already:)

Terri, Fantastic. A mandala! What is the base and is the whole piece movable?

Sue, Very pretty, bold and striking. I especially like the one with the frangipani on the leaves

Off to work:(

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning everybody!

Wow! Waking up to the smell of flowers and sunshine in here this morning. Smells so good everybody and looking just as pretty as can be.

Pupil.. My litle sunflower arrangement is probably about a whole " tall. I just grabbed oen of my kitchen kaddies and the reason ya haven't seen that type of foiage before is cuz both the sunflowers and the mini eucalptus are plastic. I have a little mini hoe, shovel and pith fork that will go in it when I can figure out where I stuffed them in the shed. i didn't have anythign live.

Karma.... How beautiful!!! Love the colors, ones, I would never think of using. Did you tie them all together and then put in the bowl or did you just arrange them.

Can you buy seed of bear grass to grow? I do love how ya all make loops and such from that stuff.

Terri.. I ant to take that arrangement and have it put on a straw hat and wear it to market. I love it. So bright and cheerful.

Weed Woman... it a very cold 19F this morning and your arrangement warmign me up like the way the coffee isn't. Lovely. Wish I was in sunny place with those flowers all aroudn me.

yes, Karma.. get on them books. : ) Them fools don't know what they missing.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Star, Sorry, I forgot to mention your cheerful display. Love the flowers and eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is one of my favoritedried plants. They smell good and look pretty. I have them all over my house.

london England, United Kingdom

Ohh excellent Sue!!
Wow, I wasn't expecting to see another two, they are really good. I was worried thinking about you when I was at work today, hoping I hadn't put you offf!! The design of your last two is much more thought out, don't you think? really well balanced. Striking arrangements, well done!
Funny, the foliage we buy here is usually dull and it needs a spray to shine it up! I like green too!

Hi Adele,
Thankyou! The base is a plate and the whole arrangement is movable. What is a Mandala? the only one I know is Nelson!!

Hi Star,
I would love to give you my arrangement to wear for market!! funny flower lady!!!

Well, going to cook dinner, then I may be back later with the flower's I bought today!
Sue, here's a green chair for you, enjoy your cuppa!
Hi to everyone else!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Sue, I LOVE it! So cool. Your dracaena looks like plumeria leaves. I love the tropical foliage. . .goes very well with the frangipani flowers. How many frangipani's do you have? You must have plenty. I have 2 plumerias that haven't flowered, but when they do, I don't think I can spare them in a cut flower arrangement. Check out Clare's plumie ring.

Sue, the pink flower is allamanda? I have a yellow one, but the bloom is not as big. It's very pretty.

Thanks Adele and Star. Star, I arranged the flowers and then inserted one end of the grass between the flowers, looped the grass and inserted the other end. If you try it, make sure your arrangement is snug, or else it will come right out. And. . .I haven't even gotten a chance to order the study guide yet. I will, I promise!

Hiya Terri and Traci! And everyone else out there!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Terri. A mandala is a cosmic circular design sometimes used for meditation. I love the chair, great details. I have to find diamond pins. They're wonderful.
Hi everyone!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele, It's true we do learn something new everyday! Thankyou, cosmic eh? sounds cool.
You can usually find the diamond pins at wedding shops and departments that have fabrics. Also at the floristry
warehouse. I'm always on the lookout for anything decorative to add to arrangements. Do you have any coloured wires?

london England, United Kingdom

I'm too tired to make anything tonight, maybe someone could do something with these rainbow tulips.
night all! Have a good day tomorrow.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, Thanks Adele for your kind words.
Thanks for the "chair" TC, it looks very inviting and I beleive I will take a seat on it to sup my coffee! I was inspired by your words to change it around a bit, so "No worries" as the Aussies say. I can take constructive ideas.
Karma, I have 4 colours of Frangipani (I think) A fruit slald, (apricot) a pink, a red and the usual white in the photos. I have another pink that appears to be darker, so it's possible I have 5. In saying that I have about 10 planted and another 10-12 in pots for sale. They grow well here and don't require any special care over winter as it's very unusual to get frost. I have a yellow Allamanda also, the climbing one and the flower is huge, somewhat bigger than the pink. Evidently there is an apricot one also.
This pic is my darker pink in the rain. It only has 3 flowers, so I'm not picking them!!!!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Good morning everyone!
Hey Sue, I love that 'no worries' phew!
I'm off to work in the enamelling class today, it's fun so I don't mind venturing out in the horrible weather.
Rain and more freezing rain.
Traci, your favourite English football team are playing tonight! I'll be in the cafe' T.V. room watching the game. It's an important match!
Have a lovely day all.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Morning everyone. Sue, I want to move to Australia just to grow those flowers! Hey Terri, have fun at your enameling class. Traci, who's your fave team again?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)


American - AUBURN!!!!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Terri, I bought green wire but only one gauge. I guess I'll have to use it when I make my wreaths. Why would I need other colors? So much to learn. I just read the thread where you show how to make a collar. Couldn't I also use it as a base for a wreath?Enameling what? Jewlery?

Sue, I love frangipani, will it grow in zone 7a?

Hi Karma , Pupil, Star and everyone else

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone. I just wanted to stop in and let you know that the surgery was a success and all is fine! Hugs, Tammy

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hugs right back at you Tammy. So glad to hear the good news. Hi everyone. Go Liverpool!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Lana! :)

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Tammy, That's great news!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Digger! :)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Tammy, I didn't even know the surgery was today!! I am so glad to hear the good news. How is he doing?

I have my first course read. I won't bore ya'll with the details, but I am going to create a thread just for it. So, anyone who wants to play, watch for it. I will try to do it tonight.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Awesome Traci. . .I'm so excited!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

Tammy great news! Thanks for letting us know.

For all the Liverpool supporters I'm pleased to say...... we won 5-0 ! with a hat trick for our captain Steven Gerrard.

Traci, good to hear the course arrived, I'm looking forward to it.
Adele, Let's talk wires another day ok? got to sleep now!

Hope to see you all at the flower club tomorrow !

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh man! Flower club has come around again, and I haven't even looked at the thread you posted for me last week TC! Not only that, but we're on a totally new thread than last week. Awwwwwwwww!
I don't know your Zones Adele, but the Frangipani requires no frost. I noticed in the Plumeria (frangipani) forum, that alot of gardeners have a hot house set up to care for their frost tender plants. They are a lovely thing to have and smell devine!
Good luck at flower club all, I will check it out when I have a bit more time.
Hey Misty, was that Brandon having surgery on his hand? Hope all is well, Ouch!!!!
Now don't all boo and hiss me, but I hate football! (footballs trash the garden) I must be the only kiwi in the world who doesn't follow footy of one type or another!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning evrybody! Time to put on the coffee pot somebody, I'm to busy tyign to rub the sleep out of my eyes and strech the kinks and crimps out of my body.

May go hunt up a cup of the coffee with the stars in it. So what if it a few days old. I a java freak and it a caffine fix.

Anybody here buy gerbera daisy and hold them over in a fridge or cooler. With the long stems will they stand up by themselves in a bouquet or an arrangement or do ya have to put a wire or somethign in them?

Terri... not fair putting all them lovely tulips up. I just ordered glads and working on some Dahlias for cut flowers and now ya making me wish I could grow tulips down here again.

Pupil.. I must have missed something somewhere. Looking all aroudn the edges and under the wallpaper, but can't figure out what course ya talking about? Shoot shouldn't have looke dunder the wallpaper, need to get the dust bunnies and crumbs out of the this electronic gadget.

Not a flower blooming anywheres out here, so I leave ya witha flower from my yard I enjoy and can't wait til it blooms again

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Star, I have iris' also. I miss my flowers.
Don't know the answer to the daisy question. But I was thinking about trying to grow gerbera daisies, lavender and frangipani now in the house so I could then make pretty pot et fleurs.
Morning everyone!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey Star, NOVICE speaking. I used some Gerbera Daisies for Teensy's Birthday. I definitely had to use wire on them. It was easier to make the flower face which way you wanted. I also did them as stand alones, so they needed the support. When I used them in a larger arrangement, no support necessary.

Let's see, the first one I had to use wire. I also had to use a floral pick (or two) to hold it in the foam....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr

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