Best tasting

Ligonier, PA(Zone 6a)

What would you consider the best tasting papaya is? Has anyone tried the taste of the dwarf 4'ers?

mulege, Mexico

I'm not an expert on varieties. I prefer the little ones from Hawaii to the big ones from Mexico. I have heard that the little ones are Solos - then I found a website that sells seeds for about six different Solos and a bunch of other papaya seeds. I got several of the Solo types but haven't planted them yet.

Let me know if you wqnt the website. I think I still have it. It's in Centro, Ca.


Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

katiebear, could I get the website?

mulege, Mexico

It is


Ligonier, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you. I have heard that Hawaiian papaya's taste better. There is a short papays that get only about 5' tall that I want to try to. I have the trees from Mexico and I get lots of fruit off of them every year. I am ready to try different types.

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