Ready for plant list

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Hello to all. I'm open to suggestions for a plant list that will handle Nebraska's zone 5 weather. Been looking around, just don't know where to start! :>D Would love to hear from others with their suggestions of plants and nurseries. THANKS

Call the guy who owns Dangerous Plants on the phone and ask him to create a "7 Oaks Starter Bog". He's definitely cheap enough compared to all the other carnivorous plant nurseries and he'll spend time with you.

You will need to mulch your bog heavily each fall to break the freeze/thaw cycles. There is the old standby way of mulching with white pine needles and then there would be the option of going with a polar fleece product.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Equil, i have ordered from Dangerous Plants in the past. I have not done to well with some of them. Which of course scares me... Dave even called me, as i ordered about the same time he was having trouble with his web site. Very nice man... I've never heard of polar fleece before. I will have to google that. What are some of the plants that you've been successful with?
On a personal note, our Mary who has two sons, Gavin-2, and Braxten- 5 1/2 months, is going to have another one in July! She says she knows what's causing it too...

You would have wanted Tom.

I do well with all the straight species natives that are indigenous to my zone or colder. S. purpurea ssp purpurea and S. flava should do very well for you and I'd toss in a few Drosera rotundifolia or D. intermedia to start.

Try this place-
Call and ask for Michael.

Try this place for seeds-
Consider the Sarracenia hybrids mix and simply cold stratify them in your frig for a bit in a damp paper towel then toss them out into your bog this coming April and see what happens.

Have you ever heard the phrase "hybrid vigor"?

This coming spring when all the nurseries start opening up for the season, start looking for cultivars such as; 'Dixie Lace', 'Judith Hindle', 'Ladies in Waiting', 'Scarlet Belle', and maybe even anything from the "Bug" series. You're going to have to experiment.

As far as the polar fleece, I bought a professional frost cover/thermal blanket product but there are those who pick this polar fleece up at the fabric store and cut it to the dimensions of their bog and stake it out over the top of their white pine needles. Here's a little how to I found on how to make a polar fleece blanket-

These products are all similar to what I bought although for some reason I think DuPont made mine or maybe that was a shade cloth I bought-;ft1_covers_pondliners;ft1_covers.html

I must admit to having done a lot of research before I selected the frost cover/thermal blanket that I ended up purchasing but (sigh) I can't locate what brand it was or where it was purchased. Let me go poking around at google and see if I can come up with what I bought.


I bought the GG-51 here-

Don't get freaked out by the prices. I called and told them there was no way I could use that much and asked if they had any remnants. They did.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Sorry, your right, it was Tom. Lots to look through, fun! I did google the polar fleece, and was wondering if that was the type of fleece you were referring to. Will go and check all the info out. Our days are getting longer!!

Yes! The days are noticeably longer. Good thing. I'm starting to crawl the walls here!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Tell me about it! Around Feb. 14th I'll take out a few CPs from the fridge!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I'm beginning to feel the "rush" of getting my "winter list" done, and my bog plant list in order. Then the sun sets, and so does my energy level, love the daylight! ;>D

Well, how goes your "winter list"? Inquiring minds want to know ;)

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Weeellllll, several sarracenias, venus flytraps, some temperate drosera. I do have s. purpurea (don't know the cultivar) and s. leucophylla "tarnok" ordered from Big Dipper. I followed your advice, and emailed Tom at Dangerous Plants, he was so kind and mailed me a list. He also gave some suggestions on companion plants for the bog. That is some thing that I was wondering about also. He suggested a bog rhododendron, and some ferns. I will be ordering from him. He has been so helpful, along with you!!!
Have also been trying to contact some area garden clubs, just trying to find some one close to home with a bog, no luck so far!

Tee he, I don't have a nursery. If I did, I'd gladly take your money though ;)

I don't know which ferns he suggested but try this one-
Thelypteris palustris
If you find it, please take note of where you locate it for sale because I want to buy three of them myself.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Okay, I'll make note of that... We won't bring the cost up with DH!

This message was edited Jan 23, 2008 7:35 PM

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Hey Equil, some one from the fern area suggested the marsh fern.(Thelypteris palustris)

Tee he, I guess I was on the right track then. Look above two posts ;)

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Baby plants are here... A quick list I received from Dangerous Plants. Drosera; filiformis--intermedia--spatulata (tropical) Dionaea; red dragon--dentate--and some without a label, oops. Sarracenia; dixie lace--judith hindle--flava ornata--rubra--leucophylla--leaco x flava x levis (not sure on that part). An orange milkwort, polygala lutea and some ferns, don't know what kind tho. Good chances my fingers didn't hit all the correct letters either. I have also gotten tarnock and purpurea pitcher plants.
Now to go and figure things out and get busy. More later...

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Congrats! Keep us posted!

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