First time harvesting brugmansia's seeds.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm so excited, nothing less than having a rabit-test result and confirmation that is expecting. (Nah I may have just exaxorated it a bit), lol.
These are seeds that result from a hand pollination back in Sept. I need input as to what to expect? The seeds look good, but they all float on the surface of the that a sign of problem? Please advise.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I've so many seeds just from one seedpod. Then I've other that are nearly ripe....Wooohoooo.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

These are others....seedpods, some of which are open pollinated. Ooooh I'm so graceful to the birds and the bees in the garden, and the moths too..... Oh, can't forget a big thanks to Brugies. From her instruction/guide that was how I learnt to hand pollinate my brugs.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

At a closer look, I've 3 more seedpods that are also ready to be harvested!

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Congrats!! How exciting so many pods...what are your crosses?
I have one pod lol that I have been waiting to show signs of ripeness.
Thank you for posting your pics. Wow thats a lot of seeds...did you plant any?
:*) Kim

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Kim, the seeds are coated with a cork material which is why they float. Remove the cork if you want "sinkers". I wait until the cork and seed coat are dry because I have killed a few seeds trying to remove the cork from a wet seed.

The cork doesn't have to be removed to be planted. If the humidity is high enough, it won't cause a problem. I remove it from my seeds because I don't cover the starting tray. That leads to a number of seedlings that emerge with the cork still intact. I'm going to start putting my trays in baggies, but I still plan to remove the cork. That way I know exactly how many seeds I planted. Sometimes the cork capsule is empty. I've had seed pods that contain mostly empty capsules.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thank kimarj, I'm so excited. Bettydee, have you got a picture of what the actual seed looks like? The encapsulated seed looks like a beige raisin (with all fissures, and crinkles). I may open one or two to see what the structure looks like internally. Thank you.

Kimarj; to answer your question; the seeds are Salveleon brug crossed with unknown peach, and unknown pink. Back in the late summer, I've those big blooms of Salveleon (sp?), and no other pollens, so I ran out to local nursery and obtained other unknown brugs for pollens. Thus the offsprings are going to be half unknown. lol.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Kim, the seeds without any cork are the smooth ones. The other seeds still have a bit of cork attached. The seed size can vary and so can the shape but, in general, this is what they look like:

Thumbnail by bettydee
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

bettydee; thank you, so much. I've peeled off one of the seed to see and yes, it looks just like that. I've sown the one that I've peeled the cord off. It's still early to sow the seeds. So I'll try to dried them out and store them.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I've found that if you want your seedlings to bloom this year, now is the time to plant the seeds, even earlier. I started mine back in early November but your fall lasts later than mine. Your pods look good. I see lots of brug babies in your future. LOL!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Brugie: thank you, thank you again. If if wasn't for you way back earlier summer. Who shared the info. I wouldn't have gotten this far with my seeds. I can't thank you enough.

Hey how about a glass of bubbly to celebrate Kim!
Have fun

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I love the idea. Cheers, and happy gardening to all my DG's friends near and far! Let's celebrate!

I potted up the very first seed. I'll keep everyone posted of the result. :-) (Chrissy; I've the seed in a well drainage medium, close to light source, and temp. 68F.+).

Whoo hooo! :)

Deridder, LA

Lily---My Prof. tells me ALL brugs are bloom down and all daturas blooms up. Is this ABSOLUTELY true?---Dean

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi Dean, happy new year my friend. Bascially that's the idea. Although, some double datura's blooms will droop when the trumpet become large and heavy. Then there are some variety of brugs when the buds are newly formed; they stick straght up, then gradually droop back down when the bud gets larger. :-)

Deridder, LA

Hey Sweet---Uhhh, I think I'm clear. Happy New Year to you and yours.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Hi to everyone! I have a pod on my peach versi, how will I know it is ripe? It's kind of long and still green...I noticed it about a month ago, I've got all the brugs under some lights in the basement.. they're doing okay, I'm fighting my 2nd round of mealy worm and SO looking forward to springtime. Great info on this thread, too! Thanks everybody. - Haven't been able to play in DG much since Christmas, didn't want to start a new project today, so close to the end of my work day, so I'm checking in... I've missed everyone. Cheers, Lilylove on your pod success. -AuntB

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey AuntB!! Missed you too :) I just opened my pod this morning it looked wrinkly and a little dark
so I figured it was 29 seeds, was a short pod . It is a noid but I am happy. :*) Kim

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thank you, B for visiting my post. The seedpod when ripes, the stem will turn a dull straw color, and some part of the pod also turn straws color.

Right below my seeds pic. above. (the one that I had inside the calendar), those are imatured pods. Right beneath the pic. are 3 of the pods that were ripe which I already cut them off from the tree. You can see the difference there.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

... and when you open the seed pod the cork that surrounds the seeds is a dark brown.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Hey Kim I planted the seeds that you sent me

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey James, this would be a good place to post our result. Care to do that? So we can share our experience with others? I don't mind at all. The more we share our experience, the more we learn from one another?

Bettydee, thank you for guiding us along the way. If I'm not mistaken, you've guided me with my first experience on raising my very first Gulf Frits. :)


Hi Kim and everyone these seedlings are almost a month old ...I planted them on the 21st of Dec Summertime here in australia.Our temps are pretty cool for Summer and no sun to speak of ...lots of rain . I will feed them now they are bigger ...cluck ...cluck :)

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Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

sure I love to post my

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Chrissy! Thank you, you're my best gardening buddy on DG all the way from down under! Those look so healthy. I know, the climate difference and all. I can't wait until our weather warms up finally. Thanks for sharing your pics. and experience with us. I've seeds popping up every where more than I know what to do with them. lol.

Here are some more; the ones in the small plastic container are those that air -dried after the pod broke open. The other are freshly taken out of the pod.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Sorry folks, I got so excited, I forgot the picture. lol.

That's great James. Thank you, thank you.


Thumbnail by Lily_love

About the seeds does anyone have any idea how long they stay viable? and what is the best way to keep them? when my pods are ripe I want to both grow some which will be fresh of course and also share with my Australian friends. Any advice would be gratefully accepted thanks and to Kim whooo hooo!

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Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm learning here as I go. I'll have to wait for the more experienced to come along here. So stay tuned.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I sure will ! this is a great thread :)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I have planted seeds that were over a year old. I do not keep my seeds in the fridge or anything, just an air tight envelope. Germination rates drop after a year, but out of 12 seeds I got 5 seedlings!
That's about the extent of my knowledge on seed storage. :)

Thanks zz :) chrissy

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I remember getting an answer from Calalily regarding viability. Stored properly — cool dry place — they can remain viable for a number of years, but she said the same thing Joyce said, the number of viable seed goes down.

About how long to dry seed, I can't remember who told me but I believe it was about a week. I tested a seed or two with my fingernail. Not very scientific, but if my nail couldn't break through the seed coat, I figured it was dry enough. Just to be sure I checked back for a while for indication of moisture. Didn't find any.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Good morning everyone, thank you for the many helpful input regarding seed-care on brugs. I'm trying to obsorb as much info. as I can and make notes.

Kim did you mention your seedpod has only 40 or less seeds inside? Each of my seedpod so far has more than 100 seeds.


Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

wow no wonder you said if i had problems with them you could send me

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

LOL, James, I meant it. If you should have any problem at all. I'm going to give away all the seeds eventually. But, right now I'll codle them a little while longer. lol


editted for typo correction.

This message was edited Jan 18, 2008 3:03 PM

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Hey Kim I will take any that you want to send me I will try them out for you see what happens maybe you might get something new and interesting......... That is what I am hopeing for....

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Since you're taking care your plants so lovingly (like I do mine), I may just let you sample a few of each seedpod that I collect. Only if you promise to keep in touch and post pics. of the offsprings. I knew of a local avid gardener, he loves his garden so much, and his saying was. "I don't just share my plants with anybody, unless they do love them as much as I do".

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh sure i will I love to post picutres of my plants especially when they are from someones pride and joy garden I truly believe you love them as much as I do..

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

This is an example of the ripened pod which is ready to be harvested.

Thumbnail by Lily_love

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