zone 7.....surrrounding trees..

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I would like some suggestions for planting schemes that would create
continual color under trees from
spring until fall. Height and mass
considered.....and are there any
ideas about Lilies?


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I use Hostas, pulmonarias, astilbe, heuchera, hardy ferns and oriental lilies as the mainstay of the shade garden. I tuck begonias, both fiberous and tuberous, impatiens and achimenes in for extra color. Fuchsia Gartenmeister also does well in the shade here and the hummers love it. Purple shamrock (Oxalis) and golden fern will add color, though no blooms. I edge the beds with black mondo grass and white liriope and have a few European gingers and foam flowers here and there. Our shade is dry shade so I added soaker hoses and sprinklers to make it easier to water. The trees really suck up the water, so I give them a deep watering once a week.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds wonderful Cala! Any idea where I can get the Golden Fern and Fushia Gartenmeister?


Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Coleus is another natural for a shade garden and with all the colours and heights available, you can fill in any hole with just the right colour. Bring your favourites in for the winter and take cuttings for next year's garden.

You might consider oenothera for early bloom. Bright yellow flowers in abundance May-June.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

does oenothera do good in the shade?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Cala, I just put mine in this year, so the jury is still out as regards my personal experience. One thing for sure, is they've been producing babies like crazy over the last month, so they're obviously not too unhappy. How well they'll flower next year remains to be seen.

But I did see a large bed of them in the shade at a friend's house recently. I didn't ask him about them, but judging by the large number of seeds, they had done well.

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)


Here are a few ideas...
12-18 inches high...
calladium (no blooms, but color)
lenten rose (blooms early - pink/purple)
urn plant (blooms all season-pink-unusual plant)
snow on the mountain (blooms early - white)
6-12 inches high...
loosestrife (blooms mid season - yellow)
indian pipe (blooms mid season - white or pinkish)
black mondo grass (blooms mid season - white or lilac)

A few that also might work...
impatiens, salvia, coleus and of course, hosta (my personal fave)

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

So many wonderful ideas! I guess I'll just have to have them all in containers so I can change them all at will. I can't wait to get started.


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