Winter's still here, but spring's getting closer!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Always think spring when I see hibiscus in bloom.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Here's one of those huge leaf peace lily

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

New bird around the place!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I wana be where you are no blooms round here!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

And a future bloom!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Well your alway welcome!

And if you'd been here few minutes ago,you could have set down at the table for supper,I made my famous Meatballs and Spaghetti!!!!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Hamburger,crackers onions,peppers,salt & Pepper,and a egg,mix all up into meatballs.
Fry up in skillet.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Tease!!! :~P mmmmm That looks very very yummy.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

When you get meatballs cooked,time to add your sauce,
Roma tomatoes, pinch of vinegar,celandro,sage,rosemary,Nutmeg,,salt & pepper to taste,no fennel,can't stand it!!!!!This is a real mild sauce,I don't like to belch it all night long,come to simmer,pour over meatball to simmer again,start spaghetti in bowling water.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Yummy, I'm hungry!
Spaghetti in the greenhouse anyone?
Nice pics and dinner Tman!


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks it was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

You could be a food stylist.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Flowers look great Don! What the heck is the secret to getting that BOP to bloom??? Mine is in the same pot...root bound...and STILL doens't ever bloom?
Food looks can be my cook anytime!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Maybe HGTV will give me my own gardening and cooking show!!!LOL

Marcia,give it a dose of Schultz's 10-60-10 fertilizer every other week in the summertime,and you wiull get blooms in the winter,I wish it would bloom in the summer!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I would watch!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

TM...your threads are so cool!!! I just love reading them!

Have you ever tried Panko instead of crackers for your breadcrumbs? Panko is/are rice cracker crumbs (I think)....Mucho Muy light and airy...i use them for any breading....

Thanks for sharing your life withus all....


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I would watch too! Lovely pics of your blooming babies TMan. By the way - you didn't get my stomach growling this time, I just had diner!
Hope you are all keeping well and warm.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Never heard of them,not sure they carry them at Walmart,but will look.
Will it hold the hamburger together as well as the crackers?

I only use breadcrumbs or slices ripped into pieces when I make my dressing to go inside my turkey,like my mom did instead of cornbread,it's a little on the mushy side but I love the flavor better. Also use a little more sage than most people do!

Jen,well how about a late nite snack???LOL

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Don't do it to me! Usually it's breakfast time that you get me...Tonight I have a very full tummy of roast pork, but what's for pud?

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Whats pud?
Had vanilla yogurt cheerios for breakfast!!!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

50* today and sunny,and the plants are responding to sunshine and warmth.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I'm so pretty!!
I'm so pretty and red!!!!LOL

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Had at least 5 blooms on her today,surprised from the amount of leaves she's dropped lately,must have been stressed out a little!!!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ooooh....a very pretty red single!! Love it! What is the first flower? I know it's familiar, buttttttt....what is it??
I'll try the 10-60-10, Don. I have had this BOP for YEARS!! I think it is high time it blooms!! that plumie smells good too!

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Tropicman, that last bloom, is it a Cooperii? I have an Andersonii and love it, almost irregardless of the blooms.
Don't have any pics handy of it, but here's my Thunderhead which bloomed two weeks ago.

Thumbnail by Beach_Barbie
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Beach_Barbie, that's a gorgeous bloom, what divine shades of rose, lavender and pewter, all rolled into one blossom!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Beautiful flowers as always to everyone!
Don, you are such a tease with your food! LOL
I made home made hamburger helper for supper and it was yummy! :)

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful blooms!!!
What is hamburger helper... ;o)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

NOT out of the box! LOL

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

B_B,thats the first double lavender I've seen,I love it!! Will have to keep an eye open for it!

Marcia that is a lantana,

Hamburger helper is always good,I use the big elbow macaroni and cheddar cheese to make mine,and sometimes throw a can of Rotels tomatoes and chili peppers in mine!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Small shell noodles, a whole family pack of hamburger, and a whole box of velveeta! LOL
Never thought about adding any type of vegetables, though, sounds good!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Pud is short for pudding, word used in England for desert...
Lovely flowers, was the first one Lantana TM?
Beach_B, Aloha! Love your "Thunderhead", what an unusual color, I haven't seen one like it before.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh, oh, cross post! It takes me so long to get anything typed when these pesky visitors keep interupting me wanting their rooms! No consideration at all!!
Food again, you always catch me inbetween meals - it's 3 pm here.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Beautiful Blooms Don, love seeing all you post. Even the food.

Panko is Japanese bread crumbs, very good, I like it for my meatballs, meatloaf and for breading fish.

Thunderhead is a beautiful looker.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I got Thunderhead from Exotic Hibiscus for my husband for Christmas last year.
He always gets me something practical (last year was a set of stain resistant tupperware); so I (after 11 years of marriage), finally he gets at least one hibiscus every Christmas. So far he's gotten Lovely Lil, Thunderhead, Blues Man and this year was Irish Eyes and Purple Goddess. ;)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Very smart thinking. Just love a man that get me practical things. I give him what I want too.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha...howdy... my friends!
Nothing screams out 'TROPICS' better than lovely vivid blooming hibiscus!! Love that colour Beach_B, and I want everything Bob Carran of AHS has!!
Tman, it's hard sticking to a diet and reading your threads! time I'll add sage to the meatballs. Carol's right, you should try Panko. Great for fried shrimp too.
High 70's for the past few days here and confusing the plants further. Can't believe, I'm not heating up the gh!! Okay...those of you further north...has all the snow gone yet?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Snow is gone here....for now. Some snow possible this weekend again but it won't stick. Too warm.

My cold is just about gone so I am feeling better. Mornings and nights are the toughest but I just load up on medicine to help me ride it out. :~)

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