Insects from wood stored in basement.

Eliot, ME

Hi Folks...I stack about five cords of wood a year in my basement...for my wood stove located there. Each fall and winter I have a problem there with a variety of flying and crawling insects ...some years worse then others. Is there an organic way to control this problem? Franklin

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

I was taught that you never store wood NEXT to the house, much less in it, because you are risking introducing termites and it's a fire hazard. What if something went wrong with your stove? If your insurance company saw that, they would have a cow.

Only way I know to prevent bugs in wood is to remove the bark. Not practical with firewood.

Eliot, ME

Hi paracelsus...we don't have a problem with termites here in Maine...and I don't stack my/any wood against a wooden building for reasons of rot.
I don't believe my firewood in the basement will be/is a problem as far as a fire is concerned. I have burned wood to heat my house for 35 years so am not an amateur. Now lightning could be a problem...:-)
I am looking for an organic way to control the creepy crawlies...flying kind or walkers. Does anyone know of an organic spray or powder that I could use? Franklin

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You need to know what the bugs are first--not everything kills every bug. Once you figure out what they are, then check the labels on things like insecticidal soap or neem oil products and see if they kill it. Those are always the sprays I turn to if controlling insects with a garden hose doesn't work (that's my preferred approach on plants--obviously not a good option for you here!)

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