Now what

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Well we have 2 months to spring
I think Margie and I have empties our vaults of seedlings and other pictures.
I can only think of putting up the dogs that ended up as compost.
So dig into your hard drives and lets see what you are hiding

PS ok I'll start Why, I took a picture of this seedlign I have no clue. This is a cross between Magicman and Batman. Not one I will repeat as this entire group ended in the compost.

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is Orbiter (which I like better than Dusky Challanger) X with Magicman with very similar results so Magicman will find a new home as its offspring are weak, hafty, most not good form, poor bud count
and just not very appealing

Thumbnail by avmoran
Lebanon, OR

Well here are some good bad and ??? in the seedlings
from this past summer


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

"I can only think of putting up the dogs that ended up as compost"

I had to re-read this statement. At first I wondered: (1)Why you would show us pictures of dead dogs? (2) Why are they in your compost pile? and (3) Isn't that a little inhumane?

After a 2nd read, I understood that you would be posting pictures of iris that you thought were "dogs". LOL I am so ready for spring breezes and sunshine to clear my fuzzy brain!

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)



Thank you daltri_z5
I so needed that laugh

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I'm glad you didn't spit your coffee onto the keyboard. ;-)

I don't have any seedling photos to add to your collection but I do enjoy seeing what others have chosen to keep or compost. I hope to try my hand at hybridizing this year--we'll see what happens.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

It is a lot of fun even with the dogs as you can see

South Hamilton, MA

We don't have any pictures of it (and I'm not technically savy enough to post it if we did), but we had a
plant used for judges' training years ago whose garden name was 'Polluted Air'.

Dee I liked the yellow color on the reverse of the standards no matter what the flower looked like.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

From a cross of Heartbeat Away X Batik. Actually got several nice ones from this cross, which produced a wide variety of seedlings. Didn't care much for this one... Dan

Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

This one stunned me... funky color and form, but the flower is over 6" tall. I'm giving it another year.

Thumbnail by zacattack
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

My very first seedling. A cross of Ming X Batik. I was so proud of it a the time.

Thumbnail by zacattack

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