Movies, TV, & Stars,What is you favorite and least favorite?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Well when I started the last thread I never expected to get the response that I did! Since everyone likes or dislikes certain movies,TV shows, actors, and actress's I think we should continue.

One of my favorite TV shows is Two and a half Men. I also like CSI, but the last season lacked intensity and I was really disappointed how they ended some of the episodes.

How about you?

We came from here:

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

My favourite tv shows were/are Northern Exposure, the Sharpe series, Mystery on PBS and Masterpiece Theatre - PBS is doing 6 productions of Jane Austin novels starting next Sunday - 2 productions have already been seen on tv, but the other four are new.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Sounds interesting, i'll have to keep my eyes open for them.

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

I like CSI and CSI Miami, also. Never saw the NY version. House is probably my favorite, and I like Ugly Betty for its mindless humor.
My all-time favorite the past few years has been LOST, but I don't know what's up with them starting the show in February instead of September - they've either "lost" or will lose alot of their fans.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

I love good clean humor so I still miss King of Queens. :) During the day I've got a new-found clean comedy favorite that's Reba. Who knew she had so much comedic talent! It is really a cute show and rarely corny like many sitcoms.

I think "stars" get to much hype laid on them but I don't balk at their salaries. I think for the junk they put up with and the loss of humanity in their lives they deserve every penny. They can only "earn" what we pay them to view their work.

Used to love House but after having a baby we really really never can find time to watch an hour show anymore. Best we can hope for is 30 minutes.

Yep, that means also haven't watched any movies in a year!!!!!! WOW! We buy the sequals we like but we'll watch them later. LOL. I.E. Shrek 3, Harry Potter, Spiderman 3.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I loved Northern Exposure!!!!! (That was 5 ! just in case they get reduced to 1 !.) I like Men in Trees just because it is also set in Alaska. I think my all time favorite TV show was Dharma & Greg with Will & Grace a very close second. And M*A*S*H!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Happy New Year, Cat :-)

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Happy New Year, Micheala! The wallflowers I got from you at our first RU are growing like crazy! Are the going to be green all year?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Gee - I don't know - but they will smell heavenly in the spring!

I think I am going to be FAMOUS. I just sold a Vintage Doily and got it sent out to. It was sent to NYC. I don't even know where Greenwhich Village is or what a antimacassar is .........................

Thanks so much, Sherrie! Here's the info about the show. It's a new play we're putting on at a small theatre in Greenwhich Village. She wanted a doily or an antimacassar with a bird on it--and the play takes place during the Depression. I was thrilled to find your doily--can't wait to show it to Barbara!

by Barbara Eda-Young

Directed by Austin Pendleton
Ezra Miller
George Morfogen*
Barbara Eda-Young*

*Appearing courtesy of AEA
Member SDDC

January 18 - February 4, 2008 at 8PM

January 20, 27, and February 3 at 3PM
NO PERFORMANCES: January 22 and 29

For RESERVATIONS call: 212-989-7856
Beginning January 2, 2008, Mon - Fri 12:30 - 5:30PM
Reservations must be picked up 15 minutes before curtain.
Limit (2) TWO Tickets per request.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

o, i loved northern exposure - other shows i loved that were canceled too soon (in no particular order):
joan of arcadia
murder one (the 1st season, with daniel benzali, stanley tucci, and donna murphy - now available on DVD)
nothing sacred (kevin anderson as a conflicted catholic priest - the Church HATED it, but they shouldn't have...)
law and order: crime and punishment (the one that was actual cases, well presented. reality TV that was actually good, so they only did one season.)
the night stalker (the remake from a couple of years ago with stuart townshend - and a theme by phillip glass - ran about 6 episodes!?!)
cupid (also very short lived - and silly - show, with jeremy piven as cupid - or maybe just a crazy guy who thinks he's cupid.)
six degrees (wha' happened?)

jeez, what am i forgetting?, last year's guilty pleasure: what about brian?

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

Not much of a TV watcher here. I used to watch Seinfeld - best show ever written, IMO - and still grab the reruns.

I watch my soap operas - yes, I admit it! I either tape them (ABC) or watch them at night on Soapnet.

And I watch Rangers hockey games. That's about it for TV for me.

Schicken, Greenwich Village is an interesting little section of NYC. I believe "antimacassar" refers to macassar (sp?), a hair oil men used to use in Victorian times. Because it left a stain on the chairs/sofas, people took to putting those doilies on the headrests, and there you have it! I'm assuming you make and sell these? Congrats!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Pixie, I'm with you on 2 & 1/2 Men. No other comedy currently playing makes me laugh like that show. And now that it's in syndication I can catch a rerun 5 nights a week. I also like Pushing Daisies but haven't seen it a 4 or 5 weeks. I don't watch much tv though. The man always has the remote firmly clenched in his fist :~)

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

The worst... Sylvester Stallone (although he's so bad he's funny).
TC (of couse).
Jennifer Lopez, I like her " Let's get Loud" song - that's it...
The entire cast of 'Underdog', including the dogs.

The 'Village' was a forgotten area in Manhattan South, similar to 'Alphabet City' on the lower South East side though not as bad. Used to have a lot of sweat shops in that area a long time ago, one of them caught fire and the seamstresses died tragically (a hundred or so). (* Victor please correct if I'm wrong). It sparked a wave of landmark labor laws & safety regulations, (thank God).
Lots of revolutionary war history there too. Young professionals found they could rent whole floors of the old factories there for cheap and it became fashionable, now no one can afford to live there except the rich and famous. A hot spot for nightlife and singles, filled with art galleries, trendy restaurants & bars with many places for developing music artists as well as established ones to perform in a cozy low light type setting - Think of Jazz, Blues, Rock/ High Fashion Models, Politicians and Movie Stars.
- Still a good place to buy clothing & top quality fabrics.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Good summary, WC! You only left out great architecture. Great cast iron bldgs, the earliest skyscrapers, etc.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Ahh yes... beautiful old historical buildings.. Thanks! ☺

* added historical

This message was edited Jan 7, 2008 6:03 PM

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

From Wikipedia:
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911, was the largest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York, causing the death of 146 garment workers who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths. It was the worst workplace disaster in New York City until September 11th, 2001. The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, which fought for better working conditions for sweatshop workers in that industry. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Building, also known as the Asch Building and as the Brown Building, survives and was named a National Historic Landmark.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I also loved Northern Exposure.....wish they had reruns of it! I agree that the writing of Seinfeld is just the best! Love that show and laugh just as hard the 20th time I see a segment. I also loved MASH. I like to watch American Idol, not for the meanness they show in the early segments - that I don't like at all, but I enjoy seeing how the good singers grow and develop from the early shows forward. It's just light fun, and it's one of the few shows that are on before I go to bed to read. I'm more of a reader than a tv watcher.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Oldies - Honeymooners, Dick Van Dyke, Barney Miller, Taxi, Odd Couple, Bob Newhart Show and Frasier for comedies. I liked Hill Street Blues for drama. I rarely watch tv these days and have not for some time. I'll think of more I used to like. Heard good things about Northern Exposure and Picket Fences.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

TV/Movie stars - Certainly Monty Python(the series), Leslie Nielson in Airplane and Police Squad- the movie and series were among my favorites.
Currently watch The Simpson's,Family Guy, Big Break - the golf reality show.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes Monty Python and the short-lived Fawlty Towers. As Time Goes By is a great Britcom.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks AYankeeCat! ☺

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes - thanks Cat. I saw that bldg on a field trip for a NYC architecture class.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Al - I totally forgot about Big Break! I've seen the last 3 or 4 episodes. My DH wants to know which of the episodes you've liked best so far? Did you see that Tommy Two Gloves got his card? That's cool! What did you think of Anthony this season. Can you spell W-H-I-N-E-R???? LOL

Don't tell me your favorite was the Barbie Doll winner???? LOL

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I gave up totally on TV, they took all the shows that I liked off the air!
Northern Exposure; Seinfeld; Frazier; Everybody Loves Raymond; The Twilight Zone. ☺

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

WaterCan - right with you except for Raymond....couldn't get into that one.

I don't know why the good ones have to go away and be replaced by mindless dribble with canned laughter. Ugh.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I kind of liked her, but boy she sure was a backstabbing high maintenance variety - the other one I liked too(forgot her name). I did like the one with the women quite a bit.
They have whiners every season it seems. Mesquite seemed to have some better players in it.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

And more reality shows.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I agree, Al. Hiroshyi (not sure how he spelled it) was my favorite, but Brian was pretty tough. How about the old Double D??? ....speaking of whiners! I do think they intentionally have someone included that gets everyone's goat or is Arrogance personified. We're golfers, so we have found it to be a fun show too....AND it is early enough for me to see it through!! How quickly it fell right off my radar screen now that the season has ended! That doesn't bode well for my short-term memory acumen!!

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

TV shows...hmmm...current: Desperate Housewives, Stargate Atlantis, Lost, Heroes, Greys Anatomy

Past shows...really enjoyed the britcoms, from BBCA, Absolutely Fabulous (it's raunchy, but hilarious) Any of the Monty Python movies. Keeping Up Appearances

Actors, I don't have any I truly dislike, nor like...Paul on the other hand...I would need several pages to list them all.

I watch a lot of the Bravo shows, Animal Planet, Home and Garden, Sci Channel.

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

Oh yes, Keeping Up Appearances is hysterical! I love that show, but only seem to catch it maybe twice a year.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

The Triangle Shirtwaist building is part of NYU, but they don't really want to call attention to it - there is nothing marking it.
That's part of the historical time i am most fascinated by... and it is a truly awful story.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, I'm a Hyacinth Bucket (that's Boo-kay!) fan too. On the rare occasions I do watch tv, it's History, Sci, Animal, Discovery, TCM and HGTV.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

We could start a thread of "the favorite TV shows of people who don't watch TV"

I think the art of the sitcom is basically dead. More and more of the best comedies now are "dramadies" like Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal (my favorite show) or Scrubs.
But I think TV dramas have continued to improve. There are lots of shows that people I respect say are/were good that I have no time for and a couple I watch. Ever since Hill Street Blues, Chicago Hope, etc. the genre has improved. If you minus nostalgia and they are improvements over to Bonanza, Perry Mason, 77 Sunset Strip, etc. I think they are better in every way. What was the drama with Sam Waterson (before Law & Order) that took place in the South? Another good one.

TC is annoying but you really don't think he was good in Rain Man or Fourth of July?

Phoenix, AZ

I agree with you Dave47 --"..the art of sitcom is dead...." to say the least.
Its a TV Dumbing Down syndrome.
TV and Theatre and Film are being compromised or challenged by live action animation reality blogist etc of the Internet. Its been happening for years. Viewership isn't what it used to be and has waned. I work in a highly technical environment/culture and these people are soooooo much more into stuff "happening" on the Web than they are TV. X 2 at least. Its amazing to me.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

As you know, not all of the web is "quality" At least not the parts I add.

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

"Boston Legal" is GREAT!!! I just love James Spader- and of course, "Denny Crane"!

I am THRILLED that "Medium" was back- tonight!!!! I love it! A show about a real woman w/ real family problems that has SUPER POWERS!

I am beyond thrilled that "Lost" will be back. This is the best show since my #! favorite TV show EVER- "Star Trek- TNG"! (Yes, I am a complete nerd.)

Of course Monty Python's Flying Circus is beyond the best show ever- something surreal. Also, I adored "Beavis & Butt-Head"- I miss those two something awful! "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" help fill that void.

One would guess I'm a 14-year old boy by my taste in TV!!!

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

the only "sitcom" i watch - or have watched in a looonnngg time is 30 Rock.
give me jon stewart and stephen colbert any day...
: )

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Forgot a true classic one - the original SNL and also SCTV.

Phoenix, AZ

I think M*A*S*H is my undying most enduring all time fave.
Hmmmm. Maybe, I Love Lucy, too.
Oh, and Rocky and Bullwinkle.

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