Canna and Deer

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! all
I just moved this spring to a great location to grow cannas. My question is I have a bed that is already started, but I have had to move some things out of there, due to deer. Will deer eat Cannas? I would love to start a collection of cannas and this bed would look great with them in it.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Geo, I have not had any problems with Deer eating my Canna. Having said that, let me add, that if they get hungry enough they will pretty much munch on anything. They have on occasion even eaten on my Lantana. Canna are deer resistant, though, and so far none have found them to be enticing in my garden.

I have a large deer population and they do love the lilies, the hosta, pansies and the roses VERY much, and some of the other food fair I plant. I have found a product called Deer Skyd (I think that is the name, I will check to be certain) to be very effective in keeping them out of even the things they love. It does have to be applied several times during the year, but it really works!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Janets
Thank you for the info! I bought a few this year and put them in the back in my tropical garden and they did great. I got quite a few in trades this fall and now that I know the deer aren't that attracted to them I am going to join a canna co-op. This garden I want to put them in has the same type environment as the tropical garden. I moved here this spring and a DGer friend had lived here and had established 9 beds full of foundation plants and now I get to add what I want.
Thanks again for the Info.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

That sounds beautiful! I like your name you grow lots of Daylilies too?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Janets
I am a daylily freak! I have about 250 different types and keep collecting all the time. Deer love daylily buds and I put some in this bed I am talking about and every time I would have buds and go check in the morning to see the flower, deer had always eaten them. So, I have been researching deer proof plants and I love cannas, but could not find info about them and deer. Now I can mix my cannas in with the other plants in the bed and it should look awesome. Last night I went to the web site that is having the co-op and now have my wish list together and can put in my order.
Thanks again!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yep, the deer will eat those daylily buds too....thank goodness they don't get them all though. I think they have such a good variety of food for their diet around the time the daylilies are going, that they leave some for us to enjoy. I have lots of those as well, and I often see deer prints in most of my beds. They really did a number on my asiatics and orientals this past year, so I am going to start spraying everything early this year! Glad you found Cannas you wanted! I love them too!

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