Anyone in Australia, I need Japs pumpkins

Coquitlam, BC

I am in the uk, but with a very varied seed stash I could swap for japs and any other pumpkin or tomato from there. Thank you XX Jeannine

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Jeannine,I can send you Jap pumkin seeds

Coquitlam, BC

Oh you are an angel, I had a friend whose Dad used to send them to her, but since he died the supply had dried up and I have searched eveywhere to get more,I feel so excited now!!

How do I do this , this is the first time I have asked for help on Daves,do I send you a private message with my address?

I have tons of stuff I can offer you in return.

Thank you again..

XX Jeannine

Bu the way I seemed to have locked the post earlier, I am not sure how but I have undone it.

Victoria Harbour, ON

JeannineAnn..thought I saw your is everything going..Back to teaching...

Coquitlam, BC

Hi, yes we are back, but our school is still not repaired so we are still being bussed every day, we all took it pretty bad when we got more delays but the floods did a good job, anyway we are now hoping to be back just befor Easter.

Nice to chat to you, I keep getting lost on the site it is so big!!

Hope you are well.XX


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