Looking for some Australian seeds

Coquitlam, BC

Hi I am in the UK and need to find someone who will swap seeds with me from Auatralia,most of my seeds which are veggie by the way are British or European ,France Italy etc and from the US , I am looking for Japs pumkin seeds which I can't get here and the person who I was connected to has died.Does anyone know of an International swap or even a supplier that would mail to the UK ortcould assist in any way. Thak you XX Jeannine

Coffs Harbour, Australia

tried googling "seeds + Australia + mail order + to U.K"
Got this and many more.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I just brought a jap pumpkin at the markets today, if you still need seeds I will save them for you:)


p.s. a bargain a whole pumpkin for $2.00.

Coquitlam, BC

Thank you both very much .
Weed_womanI had found some of them in the link, but I could only find ornamentals not veggies, some lovely sites though, I enjoyed browsing.

Annette, how sweet of you, I feel quite jealous. I have had answer on another post I did that someone has some seeds they can send but if it is no trouble I would love to get these too as it is impossible to find them here., I can send you lots of stuff in return and of course cover the costs re postage, if you find you are able to manage could you send me a message and I can give you details.

Thank you again , you are both so kind.

I actually have an aged brother in Australia but he has no interest in anything to do with gardening sadly.

XX Jeannine

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I believe Australian laws relating to sending or receiving seeds are quite strict. I'm not sure how you'll go getting them in or out. Otherwise if it was that easy, I could send you heaps. I have Jap pumpkins and Queensland Blues self seeding from the compost, and saved some Minnikin pumpkin seeds along with Gramma seeds. Pumpkins pumpkins everywhere!
Good luck

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)


Sending seeds out of the country is easy, it is receiving them that is the problem as you can only get what is on the Icon list.


I hope that this clears this up for you:)


Coquitlam, BC

Hi, I have never had any trouble bringing seeds in to the UK by mail, I buy most of my seeds from the US and Canada,and a few from France, Nederlands and Italy, I have been unable to find an online Australian company that specialises in veggies, which is why I put this post up. Perhaps someone could be kind and give me the names of some of the seed companies, that might help in the search. I do appreciate all the help though. Thank you XX Jeannine

Melbourne outer east, Australia

Jeannine the vegetables we have here are the same as the ones you would be able to get over there. The problem here is quarantine is SUPER strict . Try bringing in anything organic as a plane passanger through customs. They even confiscate some souvaners (sp) made from plant or animal matter for that matter, The mail is scanned for organic material.

You could try this mob they specialise in the heirloom varieties



or perhaps ...
good luck with it

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well, if it's okay, i could send you some!

Coquitlam, BC

Since posting this original message I have had a problem with seeds coming in to the Uk.I have had a parcel from the US opened and ,most of the contents removed. After phoning to find out about it I am told that they are severley clampoing down on seeds coming in to the UK.

Tomatoes, corn, aubergine, peppers, sunflowers and beans are among the ones confiscated. They let through the okra, brassica and squash /pumpkins.

I know I have some Japs seeds en route so am keeping my fingers crossed, but they should be OK as they are on the OK list.

This message was edited Jan 25, 2008 12:42 PM

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Also Try http://www.newgipps.com.au/ for New Gippsland Seeds and Bulbs - they are one of my favourite Vegie Seed providers.

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