happy birthday kaelkitty!

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

from new haven, CT!
(next time i get down that way, i'll buy you a lime spider!)


Thumbnail by amethystsm

Happy Birthday!
Have a good one k

Thumbnail by
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes KK,Have a great day

melbourne, Australia

Happy Birthday kk.


Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Thanks Everyone,
49 hmm, it's a weird number, --- sometimes I feel about 20, sometimes it's more like 500, LOL! We have been getting Perth's weather second hand, so to speak, very hot and nasty last week, and the garden is suffering somewhat, although the pumpkins and zucchinis are coping rather better than I thought they might. I was at work on my birthday, which was brightened up some by a really nice big sale from one of my country customers who had come down from Broken Hill for the holidays, but Mum and I are planning to have a lunch out sometime soon as her birthday is on the 17th. I'm still pretty busy at work but hope to have more time to chat soon. KK.

PS My first article for Dave's Garden is appearing on the 3rd of February! I'm very excited!

Merino, Australia

You are only a baby kk. Happy Birthday. Have a great lunch with your Mum.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh yeah, KK, I'm not too far behing you! Happy Birthday and thanks Amy for bringing it to our attention!
P.S Flowers for you.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey, we're all a day late! Did i miss it on my home page yesterday? Sorry KK.

America is a day behind us Sue so Amy was a day behind when she sent the message because it was the 3rd in America while it was the 4th here :) ...so in her time she was right on time whew ...I hope that makes sense.
I promise be more observant in looking at people's homepage in future, I too thank you Amy :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Whens your birthday Chrissy, it's not on your page!

london England, United Kingdom

Happy belated Birthday KK. I didn't see this post earlier!

Thumbnail by terriculture
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey KK,

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear KK, Happy Birthday to you!

It is also my g/d 9th Birthday today!

I hope you have a great one friend. oxoxoxoxoxox

Are these plants potted in a too bigger pot? They stay alive but are not "growing"??

Thumbnail by Degarotty

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